Public LAND sales

Learn more about public LAND sales.

What is the difference between presales and public sales?

Presales were sales which occurred before the official release of the game. Presales also contained discounts ranging from 40% in the first presale to 10% in the final presale.

Public sales are sales that will happen after the official release of the game. These sales will not have any discounts applied to them.

When will the first public sale be?

The date for the first public sale will be announced in the future.

Will the public sales be entirely "first come first serve"? Or will there be auctions, lotteries, etc too?

At the time of writing, these details have not been finalised yet.

Will the remaining LAND be sold in one public sale or several?

Several public sales will occur across the next few years, with a limited amount of LAND available for sale in each one.

Will there be ESTATEs in the public sales?

Yes, there will be readily-assembled ESTATEs in the sales.

Will there be premium LAND with premium ASSETs in public sales?

As The Sandbox acquires and announces new partners, yes, more premium LANDs with premium ASSETs will be available around these partner ESTATEs.

Where will specific public LAND sales occur on The Sandbox's map?

The map showing the area of the LAND that will be sold in public sales will be released along with the official announcement of those sales.

What will the price of a regular 1x1 LAND be in the public sales?

The price of a regular 1x1 piece of LAND in the public sales is $48 USD of $SAND. Fixed $SAND prices of these LANDs will be released closer to the sale dates.

Last updated