Attributes & behaviours

Learn more about the attributes and behaviours of ASSETs in The Sandbox.


What are attributes?

Attributes determine the stats of an ASSET, such as its defence ability or magic power. The attributes of an ASSET are defined by the GEMs and CATALYSTs that are added to it. There are five attributes - Power, Defence, Speed, Magic and Luck. An ASSET can be assigned one or more of these attributes.

Attributes range in value from 1 to 100. A single GEM can give between 1 and 25 attribute points to an ASSET. These values are rolled when a GEM is added to the ASSET. The more GEMs used, the higher the attribute roll.


It is also possible to stack up GEMs with the same attribute. Rolling two identical GEMs, for example, you are guaranteed 25 points for that attribute at a minimum. The range will vary between 26 and 50 total attribute points.

First GEM = 25 attribute points. Second GEM = +1 to 25 attribute points. Total attribute points = between 26 and 50.

The image below shows an example of this with two stacked Power GEMs and one Magic GEM.


What are behaviours?

Behaviours are parameters which will determine the possible actions of an ASSET. For example, an animal that will graze within a certain radius, a door that will swing open, an NPC that will speak to the player, a vending machine that will drop an object and so forth. These behaviours can be set in The Sandbox's Game Maker software.

ASSETs will come with default behaviours, allowing them to be ready for use as soon as they are dropped onto the LAND. For example, a gate will have an open and close behaviour, a fish will have a swim behaviour and a hostile NPC will have an attack behaviour.

Other than that, an ASSET can be compatible with a variety of settable behaviours, adding more complexity and uses for that ASSET. For example, the game designer could assign these behaviours:

  • An enemy knight can patrol a radius, detect the player in that radius and attack the player - three behaviours.

  • A horse can walk around an area, eat grass, eat leaves and flee when it detects predators - four behaviours.

  • A dragon sit on a pile of gold and attack anything that approaches - two behaviours.

  • A cat can sit on a couch, eat from a bowl and follow the player - three behaviours.

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