Rarity and Attributes

Each ASSET is unique, regarding its visual, but also its Rarity and Attributes. A rarer ASSET doesn't only mean that it is more expensive on the Marketplace, it also means that it is powerful in game.


There are 4 RARITIES. Each one has a specific color.

By default, the rarer the ASSET is, the stronger it is in game, whatever its ATTRIBUTES are.


Each Rarity defines the Catalyst the ASSET has. Each CATALYST has an amount of Gems Slots, depending on its Rarity. The rarer it is, the more it has slots, regarding the following table:

A Catalyst Slot can be filled with a GEM inside it. There are 5 GEMs types, one for each ATTRIBUTE.

  • 1 GEM gives 25 in the related ATTRIBUTE.

  • With a maximum of 4 GEMS (as Legendary), an ASSET can have up to 100 ATTRIBUTES in total

There are 5 ATTRIBUTES on each ASSET. Each ATTRIBUTE influences the Behaviours and Components parameters that are related to it.



Each Parameter linked to an ATTRIBUTE has a number Slider with the ATTRIBUTE icon next to it. In this case, the Parameter maximum is driven by a formula that calculates it with the shown ATTRIBUTE and the ASSET RARITY.

Difficulty scaling

But how does the Balancing really works? One thing very important to understand at first is that the Metaverse Content must be accessible for everyone, no matter the level and the progression. An EXPERIENCE must be playable from the beginning to the very end by both new Players and Hardcore Players. But it must still be challenging for Hardcore Players to fight against strongest ASSETs, this is why the Balancing is made like this.

In fact, each ATTRIBUTEs-Parameters is refering first to the RARITY of the ASSET, which returns a range of values per ATTRIBUTE amount.


Let's see how it is impacting thanks to this table:

We clearly see that the RARITY has a huge input on the final result. But then, inside the Legendary itself, the higher the ATTRIBUTE amount is, the higher the final result will be.


Let's compare it with all the possibilities now:

In-Game display

So Players understand easily the difficulty they are facing, each OBJECT with at least a Life System Component has a Grade displayed above its head.

  • The Background's color is related to the RARITY's color

  • The Wings depend on the amount of GEMs.

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