
Learn about managing your account information on The Sandbox website.

Access Your Account Menu

Login to your account and click on your username to open your account menu.



@KamiSawZe's Public Profile

Public Profile

Your Public Profile is a powerful tool to represent yourself in the community and showcase content you've created, earned, or purchased. When members of The Sandbox visit, they can find ways to contact you through social media links you include.

Private Profile

The Private view of your profile is what you see when you manage your account. It conveniently includes:

  • Balances of SAND, Ethereum, and Matic tokens in your wallet for transactions

  • A button to copy your wallet address

  • A button to access The Sandbox Bridge to bridge your digital property between the Ethereum and Polygon blockchain layers

How to Edit

Access Settings from the Account menu under the General tab, or click the pencil icon at the bottom edge of your private profile page's banner.

Inventory (NFTs)

Displays a quick summary of The Sandbox tokens in your wallet:

  • SAND (Ethereum and Polygon)

  • Catalysts

  • Gems

Filter by NFT Types:

  • All

  • Entities - filter by status and actions, click on any Entity shown for full details

  • LANDs - filter by actions

  • Estates - filter by actions

  • Experiences - opens the Experiences tab to manage your Experience.

Triple check the wallet address where you wish to transfer your Experience. There is no way to reverse this action if you enter an incorrect address.


Opens the Experiences tab of your Inventory to show all of the Experiences in your Game Maker drafts.

Click on Transfer Your Experience for any Experience shown to send it to a different wallet address.

Click on any Experience to open the 体験マネージャー for tools to publish it to your LAND or create a free 体験ページ, even if you don't own LAND.


Manage the assets you create here. Visit アセットのワークスペースへのアップロード方法 to learn how assets are uploaded from VoxEdit to this area of your account and how to manage them in this tool.

Select an asset to modify its name, type, tags, rarity, and attributes. You can also click on it to open in VoxEdit or click the "..." button to publish, hide/unhide from the public view of your profile, transfer ownership, or delete it from your inventory.


View all of the memorabilia badges you've earned on your account. Select a badge in the list for a larger view. Participate in Seasons and Events to earn more badges.



  • Upload a banner and profile image

  • Change your username and add your name, website, and a description about you

  • Add social links so others can connect with you

Email & Password

  • View and change the email address on your account, verify your email

  • Change your account password

Account Validation

Blockchain Settings


The Claims tab opens a page to display Asset and SAND from events, contests, and giveaways. When you have active claims, a green button will appear to complete a blockchain transaction, which will require a gas fee to complete.

For step-by-step instructions, visit Claim Rewards in PLAYERS documentation:



The Migrations tab opens information about Migrations The Sandbox has provided to provide a better blockchain experience and added security.

The Migrations section includes pages for LAND, SAND, and FAQs accessible via tabs on the left. If you LAND or SAND to migrate, it will make recommendations, but information about migrations will still be present if you don't.


The Bridge tab opens The Sandbox Bridge, allowing you to shift your digital property between the Ethereum and Polygon blockchain layers.

For full details about this tool including step-by-step instructions, visit The Sandbox Bridge in OWNERS documentation:

🌁The Sandbox Bridge

