GM Compatibility Check

Use the GM Compatibility Check to verify your Experience is saved in the right version of Game Maker for the correct format.

Is Your Experience in the Right Version of Game Maker?

The Sandbox introduced Game Maker 0.8 in early 2023 to begin migrating Experiences to a new format compatible with synced mutli-player logic. Many new Behaviours and Components were also included to create more dynamic Experiences, such as light, post process effects, and more. Launched Experiences on the map must be in Game Maker 0.8 format or later.

If your Experience was made in 0.8 or migrated to it from 0.7, it will be marked as Ready in this automatic compatibility check. If it does not pass this check, open it in Game Maker 0.8 and save to migrate it to the new format.

TEST THOROUGHLY Though 0.8 is designed to quickly convert pre-0.8 versions of Behaviours and Components to the new versions upon opening a 0.7 Experience, it is still highly recommended to thoroughly test the assets and logic to ensure it functions as expected. Make adjustments as needed.

See Understanding Multiplayer for more information.

Open the GM Compatibility check

Click on the GM Compatibility Check button in the left menu of the Experience Manager. Note the status is shown for the GM Compatibility Check in the Manager.

Press the Manage button in the details panel to open it.

The Download GM 0.8 button is available for your convenience to update to the latest version.

❓FAQs: Experience Publishing

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Change request #15: 0.9 Draft - DO NOT MERGE UNTIL LAUNCH