
Create questions or statements with up to four player responses that can send messages.


  • Ask a question or make a statement

  • Allow players to choose one of four responses, each sending a unique message that can trigger other logic

PERFORMANCE TIP In multiplayer Experiences, there are two layers of logic that will not communicate with each other: singleplayer [SP] and multiplayer [MP]. For best performance, only apply [MP] behaviours and components to objects that MUST be synchronised to all players (or communicate on that layer), and maximise use of the [SP] (Client Only) layer.

USAGE TIP Allow players to trigger branching game logic through their dialogue-driven choices.

When triggered, the dialogue box for Asker Behaviour appears on the center of the screen no matter where the player is located in an Experience.

Common Uses


Input: Multiple messages

Output: One Message based on the player's selected response (optional delay), with four potential options



Only once triggered (toggle)

  • False - allow the Behaviour to be triggered any number of times.

  • True - allow the Behaviour to be triggered only one time during the Experience.

Speaker Name - the name that will be displayed in the top left when the Question and Answer options appear.

Question - Allows 260 characters of text to be entered, which appears in a larger box as a question or statement. This is often useful for an NPC, giving players hints, etc.

Delay (slider) - set the number of seconds to delay the Behaviour to activate using a slider or by entering a value.

Answer 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Allows 60 characters of text to be entered per Answer, which appear in smaller boxes beneath the Question.

A1, A2, A3, and A4 Message Sent - Allows for a specific Message to be sent when a corresponding Answer is selected. Messages can be unique or used multiple times. NOTE Default Messages are already applied and should be customised to trigger unique logic.

Last updated


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