Game Maker 0.11
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See the 0.11 Upgrade Guide for key physics and quest logic updates to adapt to in 0.11.
Languages (more options coming soon): | | | | | |
Work together or compete with friends in new ways, like:
Player actions can affect:
Now teams or individual players may trigger a victory or defeat. All players can also win together.
New camera animations can be used to make the end game sequence look more polished.
Behind the scenes, a lot more is possible for creators to build more interesting quests you'll enjoy.
For now, the UI looks and feels the same for the player and the creator, but your actions could trigger quests differently depending on the gameplay design.
These are only a few options now that Objectives are easier to integrate with other logic, like game mechanics:
All players need to collect a certain amount of resources together
Your team must divide and conquer to gather information to solve a puzzle
You're choosing your own adventure in an open multiplayer world
A few small updates can go a long way for gameplay that is more polished and reactive:
An object's purpose or status may change one moment and trigger different interactions
Detection logic may be more sophisticated
You may need to equip an avatar or equipment NFT to unlock gameplay, not just own it
Light may be used differently, especially around players
Netcode, memory, CPU, and graphics optimisation for reduced network issues, better performance, and faster loading times for all experiences.
See the 0.11 Upgrade Guide for key physics and quest logic updates to adapt to in 0.11.
New Asset Kits expand your library with creative themes and partner assets to build your corner of the metaverse. Click the dropdown in the top right of the Library to see what's inside each one!
From one window in Game Maker, you can now:
Share an Experience to the Game Maker Gallery
Access the Experience Manager to create a free Experience Page, check assets, locate it on your LAND, set access restrictions, and publish to the Map
Set all custom asset drafts as Ready to publish your Experience
The Experience Manager will be updated very soon with new options to update your experience with ease. There will be no more need to unpublish first to publish a new version, and you'll be able to open and edit your Experience with one click from the page!
Use the new Ranking option in the Game Rules window to show data for up to three variables sorted as needed at the end of a play session and on your Experience page. It's a great tool for running your own contests!
To customize broadcast targets for a ruleset, send a message out with the Send Message rule.
Optimize multiplayer Experiences by sending messages and their arguments from the synchronised (server) layer to the client (local) layer.
Enjoy improved performance while creating rulesets and plenty of space to build Experience mechanics.
Helpful new control and UI tips have been added to the Game Rules window.
Assets are easier to organize and find:
Right click to copy all of a behaviour or component’s parameters and paste it into the same behaviour or component in another object.
Useful new tools make selection and placement easier.
NFT Image now displays NFT images with WEBP format.
NFT Sensor now includes new parameters to note the purpose of its use (does not affect logic).
Selection modal UI is standardised with categories, making it easier to find what you need.
There are many new VFXs and over 1,000 new sounds available!
Documentation is reorganised to match Game Maker's new categories for behavior and components, and they are ordered by performance in multiplayer with colored icons.
Text fields support more options on your Experience Page, in Game Maker, and in the Game Client.
Supported languages may be used to create messages to trigger logic in Game Maker.
Game Maker and Game Client UI is only available in English.
Adapt these new modular templates to build your own worlds with Social Platforming, Crash, Quiz, Tag, and Idle Clicker gameplays.
See the 0.11 Upgrade Guide for key physics and quest logic updates to adapt to in 0.11.
Quickly apply your favorite NFT equipment combinations.
Rate Experiences, bookmark your favorites, and replay. Bookmarked Experiences appear in the Experiences Gallery on The Sandbox website so they're easy to find and play again.
Navigate the map while you play to find featured content to explore.
Timer boosts
In-game currency
Role / Status
- Team variables are a game changer. See this resource about using different variable types in multiplayer Experiences.
Level up players or teams based on their actions (e.g., keypress, points, etc.)
Balance difficulty based on player performance
Reward MVPs with VFX, PowerUps, etc
Direct messages to quests based on ruleset criteria (variable values, key inputs, timers, etc) for different variable types (see Quests below for use cases)
Compete with your friends and compare your results against the Top 100 global players.
See for potential logic per use case.
See for data that could be used to trigger quests with additional logic.
More than 15% CPU and network performance improvement in multiplayer Experiences.
Improved Anti-Cheat Measures
Various improvements better ensure that rewards for playing Experiences in The Sandbox are earned by real players.
Pickable Component
Reworked code for smoother object pickup and reduced delay.
Teleport Component
Improved teleport screen with custom VFX and enhanced readability.
Victory & Defeat Camera
A new short sequence appears when victory or defeat is triggered.
Sound Improvements
Upgraded to the industry standard audio plugin, Wwise, ensuring the highest quality audio and sound effects.
Fix: Terrain Synchronisation
Issues fixed to improve behaviour logic.
Inventory Sorting
Default sorting is now newest to oldest to make it easier to find newly collected items. Each equipment slot now has icons in the UI.
Pop-Ups System
Unified UI for in game pop-ups.
UI Animations
Screen transitions when opening/closing NFT Gallery, Inventory, etc.
Style Updates
Main menu, navigation bar, emote wheel, and loading screens updated.
A unique new rule allows you to optimize Experiences by sending data from Rules to [SP] actors, or objects.
Display player results of up to three time, number, or decimal variables when victory or defeat is triggered.
Display a ranking of the top 100 players globally on your Experience Page.
Four Value States to choose from:
Normal (blue)
Positive (green)
Warning (yellow)
Critical (red) - can be animated to pulse
Folder Management
The right click menu now includes:
Move to Folder option
Colour selection
Actor Count
Hover over the actor count to see total voxel assets and logic assets to help optimise your Experience
Nested Asset Search
Search results show asset parent folder(s)
Behavior and component categories by use Click an option for an updated description
Visual FX and audio categories with new options Click a sound for a short preview clip
Asset and model selection categories Model select includes options from Asset Kits
Save Outfits
Equip Saved Options
New team gameplay and game design possibilities
Improved performance & UI for greater ease of use
Deliver new tools for players and creators
Include exciting new gameplay templates
Set up alphanumeric codes (3-6 characters) for players to enter for puzzles, quizzes, etc.
Add 70-80 characters of display text for hints or instructions
Spawn Point behaviour can now assign a custom avatar to players who spawn into them when they join an instance.
Custom Input Configurations may also be adjusted in the Avatar's Feature.
Now the power of precise detection and response with targeted messaging can be applied to the player's avatar. Note: See updates to Raycast component parameters.
Respond (send a targeted message):
Teammates or opponents
Specific objects
Any player or object hit/detected
All objects, systems, and players
Rules or Objectives systems
The player (with the feature applied)
New Control Tips
Press `
to view controls at a glance, which now allows creators to add short descriptions for custom controls (0-9 keys and mouse inputs).
Varied Custom Controls
Key and mouse inputs may also have different uses per Experience.
Choose a movement palette in the Gameplay menu so animations, camera, and controls look and feel their best for the game type you're creating. This release improves competitive platforming with a new Default palette.
The player only
The player's team
All players
Results Screen (Game Client)
Global Ranking (Website)
Atari Centipede
Care Bears
Chupa Chups
The Smurfs
Volcano Theme Examples
Game Maker & Game Client 0.11
Rotate or on the X, Y, or Z axis Rotate Around Moves the asset around an offset point Rotate Actor Rotates the asset about its pivot point
Design complex multiplayer mechanics with a combination of global, team, and player variables.
Display variables on the HUD to help players cooperate, compete, and reach individual goals.
Triggering Actors affects individual players.
Team can affect a triggering team or specified team.
Objects may spin or rotate in any direction.
This feature improves collisions for more immersive, varied gameplay.
Hit/Detect Nearby:
Teammates or opponents
Specific objects
Players and/or objects (via tags)
Edge Recovery
Reach a bit higher and breathe a sigh of relief when your avatar makes long jumps
Coyote Time
Defy physics with a split-second delay that makes jumping from an edge easier
Camera Occlusion & refinements reveal your avatar's silhouette when moving behind objects and blocks, while maintaining camera distance.
Shadows have been updated to make it much easier to predict where your avatar will land when platforming.
New free fall animation for avatars for more interesting challenges.
Avatar animations have been updated to feel more natural.
Build and categorize rulesets across multiple gridboards for more gameplay mechanics.
Visualize how your rules send and receive messages in a gridboard with connections.
Click on a block or asset to select it and view its properties. Use the Place tool to use it again.
See the number of blocks currently being placed with the Free brush in the XYZ axes.
3-6 numbers or letters could be the key to opening a door, starting a new quest, or making a way for your escape!
Experience titles and descriptions may now use emojis.
Type or use or to set a slot's number or letter to enter a code. It's up to the creator how many tries you may get!
Enter in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and potentially thousands of other languages for dialogue, HUD text, and more.