Craft Quests
This activity is included in an 8-part, 1 hour series to learn Game Maker. Short, focused topics with guided practice will give you practical experience building useful logic for creating games.
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This activity is included in an 8-part, 1 hour series to learn Game Maker. Short, focused topics with guided practice will give you practical experience building useful logic for creating games.
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In this activity, you will learn how to guide players through your gameplay with Objectives, or quests, and icons to help players find quest objects like NPCs, collectable objects, and more.
Located in the Objectives system, Quests are used to guide players through your game's story, geography, game mechanics, and more with a sleek user interface. Objects in the game world can be linked to quests so they're easier to find.
A quest may be triggered and completed only one time.
Open the Experience from the previous activity to reuse some of its logic.
To track individual player progression in single and multiplayer games, [SP] behaviors and components must be used to send messages to the Objectives system.
[MP] logic works like [SP] logic in singleplayer games.
Quests are a great way to guide players through the flow of your Experience. They can be very simple, or they can have complex steps and hints to help players when connected with objects.
A Counter quest can be used in different ways to count what players destroy or collect.
A Timer quest can be a fun challenge to survive or defend an asset during a time period.
An Asset Death quest can be used for a special boss fight.
A Wait for Message quest is extremely flexible in use since it only requires a message to complete it.
In the next activity, we'll learn how to create more interesting game mechanics with Game Rules.
Learn what dialogue strings are used for and how they're made