Build Multiplayer Games
This activity is included in an 8-part, 1 hour series to learn Game Maker. Short, focused topics with guided practice will give you practical experience building useful logic for creating games.
Last updated
This activity is included in an 8-part, 1 hour series to learn Game Maker. Short, focused topics with guided practice will give you practical experience building useful logic for creating games.
Last updated
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In this activity, you will learn the fundamentals of setting up logic layers for multiplayer games, which combines logic individual players experience and synchronized logic all player experience. This includes how variables in the Rules System and Spawn Point behaviors can be used to create teams. Finally, you will learn how to share your Experience for testing or publish it to The Sandbox Map if you own LAND.
Multiplayer Experiences synchronize data across all players, such as object motion.
However, not all logic needs to be Synchronized [MP] for all players. To improve gameplay performance, some logic can be managed on the individual, or Client [SP], layer.
When adding logic to an object, you can see a dropdown filter for these communication layers.
Open the Experience from the previous activity to reuse some of its logic.
Multiplayer is a deep and complex topic because it opens up many more game types and specialized approaches to create gameplay. We've introduced some of the key considerations so you can begin to explore it further.
We encourage you to start building your first multiplayer Experience once you feel confident with how to use Game Maker's systems to build logic for a singleplayer Experience.
Practice: Try to send a message to trigger the [MP] Weather Switcher with a [SP] Message Broadcaster. In singleplayer mode it will work, but in multiplayer mode it will not.
For the most accurate multiplayer results, generate a link to test it in the Game Client software using the button in Game Maker (top right).
Join a Game Jam to challenge yourself to grow as you practice applying your skills and explore creating new things. You do not need to own LAND to participate!