3D Print Your Life

3D Print Your Life is one of the projects supported by The Sandbox's Game Maker Fund. Learn more about this fantastic simulation and business management game that is exclusive to The Sandbox.

3D Print Your Life is a game that is being developed by a designer called Erica Wagner, who is also known in the community as ScienceHerWay. Read more about this exciting development.

About the game

3D Print your life is a game that is set inside a 3D printing shop. You are an employee of this shop and will need to fulfil people's orders.

Based on the CNC concept (Computer Numerical Control), a 3D printer allows you to build objects by printing them. Although 3D printing has been around for several years, it has only just very recently become easily accessible to everyone. You can create a complete world using this machine. It’s like The Sandbox Game itself, and we love this game’s mix of science, building, education, and fun.

Combining science with gaming opens the door for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the educational side of gaming and the fun side of science. It also allows for people to experiment with different fields of science in a safe and economical way, allowing them to discover new things while learning in this safe environment.

Game Objectives

The objective of the game is to manage the day-to-day running of a 3D printing shop by fulfilling and delivering orders from customers correctly and within a timely fashion.

Along the way, you'll learn how people use 3D printing differently and how it impacts their lives. Manage your time wisely, help the business grow, and change people's lives.

You'll work alongside colleagues and will meet over 15 NPCs. Each NPC will have their own unique story as well as their own unique orders from the 3D Print Shop. Sometimes customers will not visit the shop to collect their completed orders, so you will need to either deliver them yourself or send them out in the mail.


Take a look at this teaser for the 3D Print Your Life game:

Check out this cool timelapse of Erica creating one of the customers that you'll encounter in 3D Print Your Life:

Take a look at some images from the game.

The 3D printers in the shop

Take a look at these NPCs too.

A pair of co-workers

And check out some of the ASSETs that you will find in this world too.

Rocket bank

The Creator

3D Print Your Life is being developed by science-y Erica Wagner, who is also known in The Sandbox community as ScienceHerWay.

Here's what she had to say:

“Hey there! I’m Erica and I’m making the game 3D Print Your Life. You will meet people from different backgrounds requesting items they need to be printed in order to enhance their life. Are you ready for the challenge?"

An interview with the creator

We also had an interview with the creator. Check this out.

Why are people going to love the game?

This game has a diverse cast of people who use 3D printing in their lives. I believe this game will excite people when they see a character that looks like them when they haven’t seen that before in a game. This is going to facilitate conversations.

What do you like the most about the development of this game?

I loved figuring out how to make a human that complied with the human size guidelines before we as creators had access to the medium human template. I needed a way to make sure my objects were to scale. Sure, I knew a medium human was slightly shorter than two blocks (or 64 voxels) but that didn’t tell me where their waist was to compare table heights too. It was a fun challenge of only having promotional images and guidelines to go off of for making my human NPCs.

What things about VoxEdit / Game Maker helped you generate this new experience?

It was helpful already having rigged and animated human templates in VoxEdit. This made it easy to quickly test the different pieces. As an artist, it was exciting to watch my human NPCs come to life. What was really nice about the Game Maker was how user friendly it is to mock up a level for a game. It reminds me of building Minecraft adventure maps with my brother, but with more power and functionality to add for different assets.The Game Maker Fund has allowed me to create a game right now, instead of just starting my game developer journey in 2023. With college on my plate at the time, I didn’t think I could make room or devote energy to learning how to make games. This opportunity has shown me I can start learning right now, and that I don’t have to wait to finish my higher level education before working on my life goals.

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