🟦Assets: Entities & Equipment

The utility of any asset depends on how it is constructed in VoxEdit, what Attributes are created when it is uploaded or minted, and how it is brought to life in Game Maker with logic.

What are Assets?

About Assets

Assets include Entities and Equipment made in VoxEdit, which can impact gameplay depending on assigned Rarity and Attributes.

Any asset can be made interactive in a variety of ways depending on logic setup in Game Maker.


Whether you've created an Asset on your account at The Sandbox or purchased it as an NFT on the Marketplace, you own it and can use it as you wish:

  • Experience creators populate their worlds with Entities and Equipment as interactive objects. These can be NFTs purchased in the Marketplace or their own creations.

  • Players may use Equipment NFTs they own in many Experiences to modify their Avatar's appearance and impact gameplay. These can be purchased on the Marketplace. You can make your own Equipment NFTs, but they must be minted to be used in Experiences made by others.

Create and Test Assets

VoxEdit Create Equipment:

VoxEdit Create Entities:

Game Maker Test Assets or Build Experiences:


Visit the Asset Guide for creative considerations and recommendations when building specific types of Entities.

What is an Entity?

In The Sandbox, an Entity is an Asset representing game world objects that can respond to player input or presence and interact with the quests/objectives, the global game settings, and other Entities using Game Maker's logic system.

Entities may be static or have moving parts, but even the simplest entities can be dynamic when Game Maker's plug-and-play logic is applied.

The smallest part of any entity is a VXM model, a file type built in VoxEdit's Modeler module. You can use the Animator module to combine VXM models and arrange them in various poses, or animations. You can also set timing and motion.


Equipment can be applied in Single and Multiplayer Experiences. It is only visible for medium human avatars due to fit, but player stats are still affected by its Attributes.

Equipment MUST be created using a template in order for the ecosystem to recognise it and make it a wearable item during gameplay. Equipment templates will NOT work if they are unlocked.

Visit the Equipment section of the Asset Guide for creative considerations and recommendations.

What is Equipment?

Equipment is a special asset class allowing players to apply it to their avatars. It can modify their appearance and impact gameplay by changing their stats.

Equipment must be created using specific templates in VoxEdit so the asset made will be assigned to 1 of 6 slots on the Avatar:

Left Hand

Right Hand





In Game Maker and the Game Client, players double click or drag-and-drop to use weapons and wearable equipment

Rarity & Attributes

ATTRIBUTES UPDATE COMING SOON The Attributes system, influenced by Catalysts & Gems, will be updated very soon, along with this documentation.

Attributes are part of an Asset's properties that are defined by its creator. A Catalyst is applied to set the rarity of the asset, which can affect the asset's value and number of available copies as NFTs when minted. Assets with increased rarity allow for more customisations.

How to Create Attributes

Attributes are created when an asset is uploaded to Workspaces for testing or use in your own Experiences. This does not require minting the asset, for example, if you plan to use your custom assets in your own Experiences.


The creator of an Asset sets the Rarity and Attributes an asset will have. These properties can NOT be changed after an asset is minted as an NFT for others to purchase on the Marketplace. However, you can modify or replace an unminted asset in your Workspace during the testing phase of your asset to ensure it has the intended impacts on gameplay you want.


Players may purchase equipment NFTs on the Marketplace and use it in most Experiences. They may also purchase assets as passes to gated Experiences.

Some players will purchase powerful equipment to complete your Experience more quickly or make it a bit easier if they get stuck. Some players will collect attractive Equipment as accessories regardless of how it may impact gameplay.

GAME DESIGN TIP You can gradually provide players with opportunities to collect and use more powerful equipment during an Experience to reward their achievements and balance out increasingly difficult enemies presented. It makes your Experience more thrilling! This can be part of your Experience's Ramp of Difficulty and Risk & Reward design.

Assets & Game Inventory

Owned and Temporary Asset Use

Wallet - Across All Experiences Players can equip NFTs they own, which can modify their stats in any experience.

Local - The Current Experience Players can equip items collected in a game. If they restart or quit, the items no longer appear in the inventory.

OWNERSHIP NOTE You own all of the custom assets you create and do NOT need to mint NFTs for each one used in an Experience in order to share or launch it.

However, your launch strategy may include minting some assets from your Experience as NFTs to sell on the Marketplace, especially equipment players may have enjoyed using in your game. This allows others to own a piece of the world or universe you've created and use it for gameplay or their own creative projects.

Last updated


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