Nosy In The Wild

Nosy in the Wild is one of the projects supported by The Sandbox's Game Maker Fund. Learn more about this digital art experience that is exclusive to The Sandbox.

About The Experience

Nosy in the Wild is a digital art experience that is being designed in The Sandbox by visual artist Valentina Loffredo, which expands her wider project Nosy, on the global issue of privacy in the digital age.

Minimal, playful and eye-catching, the world presented in Nosy in the Wild captures our attention and invites us to explore every side of it. But we are not alone: surreal and uncanny noses are all around and a question arises: “Who’s watching who?”

While engaging into this exciting exploration, we realise that we too are under intense scrutiny. Those noses are not only playful and surreal elements but also symbols of surveillance tools.

Nosy, the project Nosy in the Wild belongs to, is a multimedia project that includes photographs, sculptures, installations, street interventions, handmade artist books and now a digital art experience.

The Objective of the Experience

Nosy in the Wild wants to recreate the same trick we fall for as digital citizens: to present a curated world that is, at first glance, playful and attractive and that, only after a deeper lecture, shows some creepy features: the noses.

The objective is to find the noses, to recognise the ambiguity of the art experience and to realise that, when inhabiting this exciting digital world, our most powerful tool is to be present and not act in automatic mode.


Take a look at this teaser for Nosy in the Wild.

Check out just some of the NFTs that you may find in this artistic experience.

And take a look at these surreal NPCs that you may meet in the experience.

The Creator

The Nosy experience comes from the artistic mind of Valentina Loffredo.

Valentina Loffredo is an Italian artist, based in Hong Kong. Her work is characterised by a minimal and graphic aesthetic and a subtle sense of humour that unlocks deeper levels of research. Her physical projects have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Milan, London, Madrid, Shanghai, Venice, auctioned at Sotheby’s, featured in a collateral event of the Venice Biennale and published in several books. Her first NFTs were minted in March 2021 and got her featured as OpenSea Spotlight Artist. Her physical work is represented in Hong Kong and Los Angeles.

I enjoyed the art direction - the way I could design the space as I wanted, with minimal architectures, blocks of colours, repetition of elements, different levels and I loved to see all elements come together into a whole beautiful and surreal experience. It was challenging to find ways to make certain minimal aesthetics work well to enhance the user experience.

I also loved the opportunity to design and build my own world. I have always liked to do things my way (when I was 8yo I invented my secret language with its own alphabet and grammar - that I still use). I make toys for my kids, accessories for our home, I create my own reality with photography, art, stage setting, I have my own way of reading cards and other weird things like that.

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