🧰Experience Page

Use the Experience Page Editor to create a stunning landing space to tease or engage your community with your creative content.

Ready to Tell the World About Your Experiences?

An Experience Page provides a high quality platform to promote your creative content in a professional format and build a narrative around it.

Share your trailer, Experience description, and more on a dedicated page. Once your Experience Page is ready, you can share it via a unique URL and start engaging your community.

Tell Stories Over Time or Across Experiences

Experience pages can also make players curious about what else you're working on. Use this opportunity to engage your audience in metaverse storytelling across multiple Experiences!

Open the Experience Page Editor

Click on the Experience Page button in the left menu of the Experience Manager. Note the status is shown for the Experience Page in the Manager.

Press the Manage button in the details panel to open it.

User Interface

Linked below, you'll find information from our Content Guide to add all of the engaging text and visuals you'll need in the most optimal formats. Simply drag and drop content into the Editor.

1️⃣ Top Bar

This is the first visual impact of your Experience page for players. It can have a static banner or video with a wide or portrait logo included.

2️⃣ Main Left Column

Most of the information about your Experience is found here. This should be a very descriptive and visually appealing space to draw players into the characters, story, gameplay, and more. It's where you can share about the Experience type or game genre, or weave a story full of interesting lore that may belong to a bigger universe you aim to create.

An intuitive text editor makes it easy to add emphasis. You can use emojis to add humour or use them as simple visual aids to break up the text and make your description easier to read.

The key features of the main column include:

3️⃣ Secondary Right Column

This column provides room for a short description, account and Experience information, and an option to upload a logo or portrait for your map when the Experience can be launched.

Publish Your Experience Page

The Experience Page Editor includes buttons to Preview and Save Changes. Once you're satisfied with how it looks, press Publish Page. Now your page is live so you can share the link on social media to draw players and your community to learn more about your project.

When all of the essentials are ready, you'll be asked if you're ready to publish. When the game is not yet launched, the Play button on the page is inactive.

FAQs: Experience Publishing

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