9️Asset Spawner

Spawn an Asset or Preset at a specific location during gameplay.


New preview button in Editor mode so there's no need to test in play mode as before.

  • Spawn (create) Assets or Presets at a specific location during gameplay

  • Set spawn rate (delay between spawns)

PERFORMANCE TIP In multiplayer Experiences, there are two layers of logic that will not communicate with each other: singleplayer [SP] and multiplayer [MP]. For best performance, only apply [MP] behaviours and components to objects that MUST be synchronised to all players (or communicate on that layer), and maximise use of the [SP] (Client Only) layer.

USAGE TIP Asset Spawner Behaviour has a similar effect to the Drop Component, but it allows you to set a specific location, not a random one.

Common Uses

  • Loot from chests, crates, etc.

  • Replenishing enemy or wildlife supply (which could provide players with dropped resources)

  • Adding content to a scene as part of the game's narrative



Multiple Messages


An Object is spawned one or more times




Spawn Offset - set the location of the spawned Object in relation to the Spawner using X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Use Preset

  • False - the Asset to Spawn, Behaviour, Tags, Components, and Physics fields will be visible to select which Asset to spawn and its properties.

  • True - the Preset field will appear so you can open the popup window and select from one of your Presets, which already have definied properties.

Asset to Spawn - select which Asset in your Library will be spawned as an Object.

Behaviour - select which Behaviour will be applied to the spawned Object.

Tags - Add one or more Tags to the spawned Object.

Components - Apply one or more Components to the spawned Object.


  • Collisions + Gravity - the spawned Object will move when it collides with the player or other Objects (note that this is a simple physics relationship that does not take mass into effect).

  • Collisions - the spawned Object will be anchored in place, and the player and other Objects will NOT be able to pass through it.

  • No Collisions - the spawned Object will be anchored in place, and the player and other Objects will be able to pass through it.

  • Kinematic Trigger -

Delay Between Spawns (slider) - set the time in seconds that must pass before the Spawner can be triggered again using a slider or entering a value.

Last updated


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