
There are new ways to monetise your creations in The Sandbox whether you are an asset creator, an Experience builder, or both!

The Sandbox fully opened the metaverse on 3 November, 2023, allowing LAND owners to publish Experiences on The Sandbox Map. Game Maker 0.9 introduces powerful new creative tools. The Marketplace will open for all creators to sell user generated content (UGC) by the end of the year.

New opportunities to share and monetise your content await. There's so much to look forward to and new methods to develop! Learn about selling NFTs and making them more valuable for players.

πŸ”œ Sell NFT Assets

Listing assets to sell on The Sandbox Marketplace is coming soon

The Marketplace will update in the coming days to allow everyone to sell their creations on the Polygon blockchain with lower gas fees.

In just a few steps you will be able to list your creations for sale:

  1. Mint as an NFT

  2. List NFTs to sell on the Marketplace

  3. Update your Profile to highlight your top Experiences and NFTs and share it with your community

Require NFTs to Enter Experiences

Your NFT requirement will appear on your Experience Page

When you Publish an Experience to your LAND, you have the option to set up Access Restrictions. To enter your Experience, the player must either:

  • Own a specific NFT in their wallet

  • Have equipped an avatar from a collection you specify (from The Sandbox Marketplace)

If requiring an avatar from a collection, the avatar must be equipped to enter the Experience, not just owned and in the player's wallet.

In just a few steps you will be able to publish and gate your Experience:

  • Follow steps above to create, mint, and list any NFTs needed for gating

  • Create an Experience Page

  • Locate your Experience on your LAND in the Map

  • Complete the Asset Review process to ensure you own all NFTs needed to publish

  • Set up Access Restrictions to apply NFT gating

  • Share the link for your Experience Page with your community

  • Update your Profile to highlight your top Experiences and NFTs and share it with your community

Minting your own NFTs for gating an Experience is coming soon.

Creating a collection is not currently available to the public.

πŸ†• Require NFTs to Access In-Game Content

Get ready to develop new meta gameplay as part of your monetisation strategy!

Players will be notified if they need to purchase any required NFTs to enjoy your content.

When you build an Experience in Game Maker 0.9 you have a new option to allow NFT holders to be integrated into your gameplay logic! This opens up huge potential for creative monetisation options.

Use the new NFT Sensor component on an object and require players to:

  • Own a specific NFT in their wallet

  • Have equipped an avatar from a collection you specify (from The Sandbox Marketplace)

If requiring an avatar from a collection, the avatar must be equipped to trigger a success message with the NFT Sensor, not just owned and in the player's wallet.

In just a few steps you will be able to publish and gate your Experience:

  • Follow steps above to create, mint, and list any NFTs needed for gating

  • Apply the URL for your NFT (found on The Sandbox Marketplace) to get the NFT Sensor to work

  • Build your remaining logic to creatively integrate NFT Sensor into your gameplay

  • Make sure that you've updated your Experience Page and Profile to highlight how you've added value through gameplay for NFT holders

Minting your own NFTs for gating an Experience is coming soon.

Creating a collection is not currently available to the public.

About the NFT Sensor

The NFT Sensor component is [MP] (synchronised for all players). When a player meets the requirement(s) you set, a custom success message can be sent to other [MP] behaviours or components, to all players, or to the new Game Rules system.

Open a Door for All Players

Trigger a [MP] Door behaviour so the NFT holder can help all players in the Experience get through. Require a different NFT to open each door in a maze for a fun community challenge.

Teleport to VIP Areas & Gameplay

Trigger the new [MP] Teleport component to transport the NFT holder to an exclusive area. There, players can trigger extra quests, Power Ups, gameplay mechanics built from Game Rules, and more!

Teleport Players to Create Teams

Use the Teleport component to split players into different parts of an Experience with a timed challenge using the Game Rules system or Crowd Event behaviour to see which team can finish first! Create a different theme or art style for each team's playable space to appeal to different player interests.

Gain a Competitive Edge

Spawn a Collectable item for a Power Up, resources needed for your gameplay, or equipment. To ensure that only the NFT holder gets these competitive bonuses, teleport them to a secret location to collect these items and then return them to the fray.

In a parkour challenge, you could teleport NFT holders to shortcuts that lead back to the same course they're racing with other players.

Cause Multiplayer Mayhem

Let NFT holders:

Enjoy Bonus Game Mechanics

Trigger Game Rules that apply only to the NFT holder by using local variables (L) in Rules.

While [SP] and [MP] logic layers can NOT communicate with each other, they can both communicate with the Game Rules system!

As long as a player triggers the message to be sent (even if it's the start of a long chain of logic), the player source will be included in the message so the Game Rules system can modify only that player's local variable. Use this to give NFT holders bonus currency for your game world's shops, extra points, bonus time, and more.

Explore More Ideas

These are only a few examples! Game Maker 0.9 offers new tools, systems, and enhancements to accelerate your development process and expand creative options.

It allows for so many unique possibilities to monetise gameplay areas or gameplay types so that one Experience can offer a variety of different player experiences: adventures, trials, perks, events, narrative, mischief, experiments, and more!

Last updated


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