🔵Actor Property Switcher

Updated in Game Maker 0.10 with a new Property to switch: UI Visibility.


New in GM 0.11! Right click on a behaviour or component to copy. Then open an object, add the same behaviour or component, and right click it to paste identical parameter settings.

Build Singleplayer & Multiplayer Logic - about [SP] or [MP] behaviours or components.

Target general or specific objects and change their visibility, collisions, Indicator UI, or all.

Common Uses

  • Efficiency: Change properties of objects without destroying them and spawning new ones

  • Control visibility of Indicator text, arrows, etc of target objects

How it Works

Action: Changes Properties of Targets

Activation Type: Fixed or Toggle

  • Fixed - switch once

  • Toggle - switch repeatedly on/off

Filter Modes (Target): 3 Options

Out: No messages sent

Parameter Notes

Last updated


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#123: GM 0.11 update - do not publish until public release

Change request updated