
Allows the Object to be picked up by the Player. GM 0.11 update: smoother item pickup interactions.


New in GM 0.11! Right click on a behaviour or component to copy. Then open an object, add the same behaviour or component, and right click it to paste identical parameter settings.

Build Singleplayer & Multiplayer Logic - about [SP] or [MP] behaviours or components

This component allows you to pick the asset and move it anywhere you want with your avatar.Take a key to the door to make it open or bring an object to a platform to open a secret passageway behind a bookcase.

Common Uses

  • Allow the player pick up an item and carry it to another location.

  • Carry a key to a door to open it.

  • Put the right piece of the puzzle in the right location to trigger events.

  • Create a bomb that explodes when dropped and blasts in a small radius.

  • Pick up a book or map to read it.

  • Use a make shift gun and carry it around and shoot it.


Inputs: Message sent on Pick up

Outputs: Message sent on drop



Grab Offset - Defines the asset position once it gets picked up by the Avatar.

Opacity On Picked (slider) - Defines the level of opacity of the picked up asset.

Message On Picked - Defines the message to send when the actor is picked.

Broadcast Type On Picked - Defines the broadcast method. Everyone In Range - Effect any asset listening for the message in range. Specific Tags In Range - Effect any asset with a particular tag in range.

Broadcast Range On Picked (slider) - set the distance the Message will reach This parameter is visualised with a yellow circle Gizmo that adjusts as you change the value.

Message On Dropped - Defines the message to send when the asset is dropped.

Broadcast Type On Dropped- Defines the broadcast method. Everyone In Range - Effect any asset listening for the message in range. Specific Tags In Range - Effect any asset with a particular tag in range.

Broadcast Range On Dropped (slider) - set the distance the Message will reach This parameter is visualised with a yellow circle Gizmo that adjusts as you change the value.

Last updated


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#123: GM 0.11 update - do not publish until public release

Change request updated