Player Engagement

You've carefully crafted your Marketing strategy and prepared all of your materials, including an Experience Page and official trailer, and possibly even NFTs to mint & sell on the Marketplace.

Social Media

Clear, Relatable & Engaging

Be sure to have a shortened URL of your Experience Page ready to share anytime, anywhere. It should contain all the most important information about your Experience, including the Play button!

Once your Experience is live, you'll need to follow your planned engagement calendar to motivate players to connect on social media and:

  • Engage with you in chats and threads

  • Ask questions and get answers (be responsive!)

  • Share their feedback

  • Share their own creations inspired by yours

  • Make them feel like part of a family as a community

Play Together


Even singleplayer games can be used for engagement. Use social media to ask players to share their stories of playing your game. You can even make contests for the most interesting stories shared. This makes it feel like everyone is exploring and playing together.


If your Experience is Multiplayer, use this opportunity to connect and have fun with your community! Arrange a fun activity in the Experience, like a race, hide & seek, fashion show with equipment, puzzle, and more. Throw in a little prize to make it extra rewarding to participate.

Monitor Analytics

Use the Experience Analytics tool built into the Experience Manager to compare how your social media posts and engagement activities affect visits to your Experience Page and number of players visiting the Experience to play.

Debugging & Updates

Sometimes Analytics will tip you off that players are either not interested or are experiencing bugs in your gameplay. Observe where there may be patterns and player dropoff and test the currently live version of the Experience to see if you can find clues to resolve the issue.

Once you've solved any problems, let your community know and ask for feedback. If you don't tell them it's fixed, they won't go back and try it again.

After the Experience

Engage with your audience with appreciation and follow-up content. Share insights, thank players, and ask for feedback. It may also be an excellent time to get inspiration from your community to build your next project.

Use feedback and insights from social media and your Analytics data to consider how you could've made your project more successful and what went really well. Keep these notes in mind for when you begin your next project.

Next Chapter?

Metaverse Storytelling

If you're planning a Metaverse Worldbuilding sequence of gameplay events hosted on your LAND(s) over time, now is the best time to tease what's to come!

Something New Ahead

If you're planning to create another Experience that doesn't tell the next chapter or isn't even in the same genre, keep in mind that your player audience will probably still be interested because you've built an authentic connection with them and they've enjoyed your creation. Find ways to keep that connection strong and share your story as you build your next project!

Last updated


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