Build Singleplayer & Multiplayer Logic

Use this one page guide to learn about Game Maker's logic systems and how they work together for single or multiplayer gameplay. Follow links as needed for more details in our documentation.

Game Maker's Logic Systems

Rules are gameplay mechanics that can be triggered and completed repeatedly and use variables for all players or individual players.

Example: Points, Timers, Shops, and more


Quests are an individual player's progress in a singleplayer or multiplayer Experience's flow, which can be completed only one time.

Example: A quest to collect coins


Behaviours & components are logic applied to voxel objects placed in the game world.

Example (image above):

Light, NFT Sensor, NFT Image Display, Play Sound & Trigger Volume This includes Spawn Point behavior, which includes unique settings per spawn point such as custom avatar, team assignment, equipment, tags, etc.

Gameplay Parameters

Global settings to customize basic interactions.


The player's avatar may be allowed to swim, breathe oxygen, receive fall damage, use abilitities, etc.

Object Logic

[SP] & [MP] Behaviours and Components

A split between [SP] and [MP] logic was introduced with Game Maker 0.8.

This made it possible for players to experience some logic independently and other logic simultaneously with all other players. Synchronised logic includes position and state of objects, environment, global mechanics, etc.

An object may have one of the following logic setups:

No logic applied

Only [SP] logic "Client Only" - for each player to experience at different times Example: A player explores gameplay at their own pace and reads Quest dialogue when ready

Only [MP] logic "Networked" - for all players to experience at the same time Example: A door opening or a platform moving is synchronised for all players

In Singleplayer Experiences, [MP] logic works like [SP] logic. Gameplay design is more simple.

In Multiplayer Experiences, there are communication and bandwidth limitations to consider when designing gameplay.

Triggering Logic Across Systems

Logic can be a simple or complex chains of events, and it can be linear or branching with options.

There are many simple ways to send a message and trigger something to happen. Messages can also be directed more specifically using filters and tags.


Send a message on start of the Experience or when triggered, once or repeatedly.


Use a message broadcaster as a middle step if two logic elements will not send or receive messages as quickly, consistently, or specifically as you want.

Creating Experiences

👤 Singleplayer

One Layer of Logic


[MP] and [SP] logic communicate with each other in singleplayer games.

[MP] and [SP] logic communicate with an individual player's Objectives/quests.

[MP] and [SP] logic communicate with Game Rules.

👥 Multiplayer

There are two layers of logic that do not communicate with each other, but must be designed to feel seamlessly integrated for players.

Toggle the Multiplayer Simulator at the top right in the Editor to test how the Experience will behave if published as singleplayer or multiplayer.

Two Layers of Logic


[MP] and [SP] logic DO NOT communicate with each other in multiplayer games.

[MP] logic DOES NOT communicate with individual player Objectives/quests.

[MP] and [SP] logic communicate with Game Rules.


Last updated


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