Staking Troubleshooting
Help with troubleshooting common error messages when staking.
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Help with troubleshooting common error messages when staking.
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At around the end of the staking period for the month, this is perfectly normal - please don't worry. Liquidity is continuously added to the pool at intervals. Once all of that liquidity has been distributed to the stakers then there is no more to give until the next cycle of staking begins.
The pool will also need to be paused shortly at the end of the month, so that a snapshot can be taken of those who are eligible for any additional rewards. You do not need to withdraw your stake. The staking pool will resume again shortly. We generally cannot provide any accurate timeframes for when it will resume, all we can advise is to be patient.
If no SAND or mSAND being added at all: Make sure you have followed the instructions and have staked correctly. The guides are linked below:
Check your wallet for any pending confirmations that you need to approve. Looking at your wallet's details on Polygonscan will also reveal any errors with the transaction or how long it is going to take for the transaction to successfully complete.
If you have staked correctly and are still either getting no rewards, or are only getting small amounts of SAND or SAND: You may have staked too little to get a meaningful reward. Bear in mind you are sharing the pool with thousands of other users.
If it is around the end of a month, see FAQ: My SAND has stopped accumulating.
Please refer to our guide to use The Sandbox Bridge.
Make sure your funds are in the correct wallet, as in the one that you attached to your account at The Sandbox when you registered. You can compare the wallet address in your The Sandbox profile with the address inside the wallet itself.
Clear your browser's cache. You can typically access the cache-clearing options by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Delete while using the browser. Then restart your browser and try again.
Try a different browser. Especially if you are using Brave or a mobile device.
Check that your wallet is unlocked. Your wallet is unlocked by logging into it. Of course, log out again once you're finished using it.
Check your wallet for a pending confirmation that you need to sign - you may have already clicked the button and are hence now being blocked by an unsigned confirmation request in your wallet.
Turn off any adblockers and VPNs on your browser, which may be blocking the approval button in error. Then refresh the browser.
Make sure your wallet is on the Polygon network.
Make sure you are entering the correct amount into the relevant data-entry box when asked how much you want to deposit, etc. Note that the decimal point is represented by a full stop, not a comma.
Make sure your wallet is set to the connect network.
Make sure your wallet is not locked and therefore your funds are inaccessible (to unlock a wallet, simply log into it. Then lock it again when you have finished, for security).
Double-check that there isn't a pending confirmation from your wallet that you need to sign. Adblockers may prevent this from popping up automatically.
Use a different browser. Especially if you are trying to stake from the Brave browser - our community reports it does not always work well with non-Brave wallets.
If you are using a mobile device, consider trying a PC or laptop browser instead.
If applicable to the transaction, check that you have any remaining "gasless" transactions for the month. Your total remaining gasless transactions is displayed underneath the toggle switch for this option. If you have 0, then you need to toggle the gasless switch off.
The "signature rejected" error usually means that your wallet's prompt to sign a transaction confirmation was rejected or blocked. Here's a checklist for you:
Open and log into the wallet and check if there are any pending confirmation messages waiting to be signed. Then try the action again.
Make sure the wallet is on the correct network. If it is, switch to a different network then back again to force the wallet to refresh.
Make sure you are on the correct website. The only official link for The Sandbox is
Disable any adblockers and try again.
Try a different browser. Especially if you are using Brave browser, which the community reports doesn't always work well with non-Brave wallets.
You need to switch your wallet to the Polygon network.
If the Polygon Mainnet network is not in your wallet's list of supported networks, see our guide here: Adding Polygon To Supported Wallets.
The transaction was either manually cancelled by you, or has been automatically cancelled by your wallet. One reason why this might be is because of there not being enough POL (formerly MATIC) in the wallet to cover the transaction fee. Paste the txn ID into Polygonscan to check for the reason why the transaction was rejected or failed.
Please try a different browser. This error message is in particular associated with the Brave browser, which the community reports doesn't always work well with non-Brave wallets.
Also ensure that there is nothing that might be interfering with the process, such as VPNs and other wallets that are unlocked.
Make sure you are using the correct wallet that is attached to your account at The Sandbox and that your funds are in this wallet. And that your wallet is unlocked (by logging into it - don't forget to lock it again when you've finished, for security reasons).
Make sure your wallet is on the correct network too - Ethereum Mainnet for staking SAND/ETH, or Polygon Mainnet for staking mSAND/MATIC.
Also ensure that there is nothing that might be interfering with the process, such as VPNs and other wallets that are unlocked.
If there is still an issue, also follow the troubleshooting for the "Web3 Error" below this one.
Try a different browser. Especially if you are using Brave, which our community reports doesn't always work well with non-Brave wallets.
Clear your browser's cache, then close and restart your browser. It might also be a good idea to restart your WiFi router, just in case - leave it off for 30-60 seconds before rebooting it.
If there is no change, make sure your wallet is set to the Polygon network. Then refresh the page and try again.
This means that you do not have enough POL (formerly MATIC) in your wallet, depending on the staking program, for its transaction fees. These fees are charged by the blockchain itself and are beyond The Sandbox's control. You can see the current fee prices, which fluctuate depending on blockchain congestion, here:
Polygon (MATIC):