
The Sandbox Dashboard is where players choose their appearance in game, with many options for a unique Avatar.

Express Yourself

Avatars represent your metaverse identity in The Sandbox.

There are hundreds of thousands of unique avatars to choose from. Some collections come with perks or rewards, such as unique emotes, access to exclusive experiences, and more.

EXPERIENCE GATING Some Experiences require players to equip an avatar from a specific collection to enter.


Occasionally, you may play an Experience where its creator has chosen to override your Avatar temporarily with their own design for a unique narrative.


You may play as a space ship with special animations.

Avatar Types

The Sandbox Official Own an Original and licensed Avatar from your favorite brands or IP (intellectual property)

Created by The Sandbox

World of Women Galaxy NFT #16907 World of Women Galaxy NFT #16907

External Collections Own an External NFT from a participating collection Discover your playable avatar in The Sandbox Bridged Avatar ownership is tied to the External NFT

The Sandbox Avatar

Custom Avatar

Use preset parts to create and save a free custom avatar design Some colours can be modified

Manage Avatars on The Sandbox Dashboard


Visit Your Avatars Page

  • Equip an Avatar in your cryptocurrency wallet

  • Shop for Avatars from collections

  • Create a free Custom Avatar


Visit The Marketplace

  • Browse The Sandbox Originals and External NFT collections

  • Use trait filters to shop for an Avatar from a collection


Visit The Sandbox Home

  • Mint an Avatar from a new collection featured in the banner

About Your Avatars Page

Use the My Avatars tab to equip one of your Avatars or click the Shop tab to find more. Learn more about Changing Your Avatar.

Your Avatars Page

About The Marketplace

Explore collections and use filtering tools to find unique Avatar traits. Learn more about shopping for Avatars.

The Marketplace Avatars Page

Last updated


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