9️⃣Avatar Teleport
Introduced with Game Maker 0.9. Replaces previous complex logic to trigger player death and respawn in a new location. Updated in Game Maker 0.10 to teleport groups. Documentation is being updated.
Teleportation Made Simple!
Allows players to teleport to a specific object's location with a message.
Game Maker 0.10 Update
Teleport a group of avatars, cancel out of teleport, adjustable timing, and new VFX.
Build Singleplayer & Multiplayer Logic - about [SP] or [MP] behaviours or components.
Avatar Teleport [MP]
Manages a teleportation from the player's current location to a specified object's location in the Experience.
Players can teleport many ways:
Press E to interact with this object if the Message Required is set to Interact
Set this object's Message Required as needed and trigger the message to be sent to this object a variety of ways.
Common Uses
Moving players from one play space to another quickly for levels, chapters, etc. in gameplay/narrative within an Experience.
Temporary movement of the player camera to secret areas to display choreographed cutscenes.
Inputs: one or more messages | Outputs: can delay teleport and send a message |
Last updated