Ramp of Difficulty
Ramp of difficulty is part of the balance that makes your Experience playable and enjoyable. Players feel a sense of growth in themselves as they progress.
GAMING HISTORY Space Invaders, a 1978 shooter game developed by Nishikado Tomohiro (published by Taito), was one of the first games with an adaptive ramp of difficulty.
Building microprocessors into game cartridges was a relatively new practice in Japan, and when testing the game it was discovered that shooting descending aliens made the remaining ones increased in speed. Nishikado decided not to correct this exciting result.
Design to Make Players Feel a Sense of Agency
Create a ramp of difficulty to navigate physical obstacles, solve puzzles, etc. for a more enjoyable, immersive flow.
Take advantage of many possible player actions to:
Keep players motivated
Avoid boredom
Prevent frustration
Gradually introduce your Experience's gameplay mechanics
Gradually increase difficulty based on control complexity
Difficulty of Controls
The brain needs time to absorb, practice, reflect, and intentionally apply new information, so learning to use controls naturally requires more mental processing until they become second nature. You want to avoid players becoming overwhelmed and dropping off from your experience.
Since The Sandbox is drawing many new players to the metaverse, consider gradually introducing players to your gameplay with this breakdown of control complexity in mind:
Vary the Player's Comfort
A linear progression of difficulty is too simplistic. Provide moments of challenge with something new and occasional brief moments of rest using known controls/mechanics. This establishes a rhythm that avoids overwhelm, allowing players to learn how to play your game, absorb what they've learned, and recalibrate their thinking.
Alternate and Combine Genres
Mix up the genre (parkour, puzzle, combat, etc) to provide a consistent feeling of fresh gameplay and mechanics use. Though games used to be much simpler, many games today combine multiple genres. Some vary gameplay type per game level by emphasising certain game mechanics and alternating to other ones in different levels. Later they may combine these mechanics in more advanced levels.
Gradually increase difficulty for beginners, but consider also offering alternative pathways for advanced players who want a reward for taking a risk.
Challenging Multiplayer Games
Even in a game you can't win, the freedom to make choices that could influence the outcome can keep players engaged and interested in seeing how things play out.
Think of this kind of gameplay mechanic like using a red shell in Nintendo's MarioKart series to target players in front of you and earn an opportunity to catch up if your timing is right.
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