Game Loops & Decisions

Meaningful Decisions Means Fun

"A game is a series of interesting decisions."

Sid Meier, GDC 1989

People are easily bored with situations where they have no agency, or choice. This is why it's important to carefully consider what meaningful decisions players will be able to make in your Experience. This is what makes games fun.

Hint: Even if players can't win, they will continue playing if they can influence the outcome.

What is a Gameplay Loop?

A loop is any repeating action you may find in a game. The core loop is the sequence of main actions repeated in your game, such as exploring a level, collecting resources, and using the resources to build something, then using what you built to explore more areas and so on.

Secondary loops are additional sequences of actions that can happen on the side, like visiting a shop to buy equipment to explore more areas faster or leveling up your equipment at a blacksmith so you can explore harder to reach areas when you get back into the core loop again.

Examples by Genre

Below are some sample gameplay loops you may find in various game types to help you get started. You can combine game genres and create more complex loops. The new Game Rules system allows you to create variables, unlocking many new gameplay types, which could be included in secondary loops to make your core loop more interesting.


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