🕘Version Notes & Changelogs

Version Notes below provide a visual summary with links to updated documentation for new features, tools, and enhancements.

View the most up to date changelogs on The Sandbox website for incremental patch updates.

Game Maker 0.10 Version Notes

Game Maker 0.9 Version Notes

Game Maker 0.8 Version Notes

Game Maker 0.7 Version Notes

Change Logs

0.10.6 - April 17, 2024

NEW RELEASE - Game Maker 0.10.6

Who is ready to revolutionize gaming in The Sandbox with this newest version of the Game Maker?

Introducing brand new Hierarchy Panel, Performance Profiler and Message Inspector! With the added bonus of being able to test your Game Maker Multiplayer Experiences directly on the Game Client, you can also share a link and get your friends to test it!

Let us introduce you to a quick summary of the most exciting features followed by a detailed explanation below!

Key Features ⭐

  • Hierarchy Panel - Folder creation for better organization. Search filter for Behaviours, Components, Names, etc. Brand new UX UI. Brand new code, more stable and reliable.

  • New Behaviors & Components - Spawn players by team, load and throw projectiles, create precise gameplay with raycasts, consume potions. New ported MP behaviours, enhanced performance, new settings.

  • New Rules - New set of rules to carry your experiences to the next level!

  • Test GM in GC: Create a shareable link on demand to test your experience with friends and colleagues.

Are you excited yet?

Thought so. You look ready for some details on all the new shiny content to make your game development dreams come true!

Other Features & Improvements 💡

Hierarchy Panel

A complete rework of the Hierarchy panel, with a new UI UX, the ability to create folders, assign colors and improved asset handling.

Test GM in GC

Test your game maker experience under development directly in game client without publishing your xp in a land.

Performance Profiler

Review CPU, GPU, RAM and FPS date in real time.

Templates Categories v2

The new templates section in the gm home has implemented pictures for categories and a new and improved user flow. This new features have its corresponding backend tool.

Game Maker Validators

Ensure assets, logic, and blocks in your experience maximize gaming performance. Since these messages are logged in the Activity Logger, you can track your validator runs over time.

L2 Asset Support

Allow the Game Maker Library and Inspector panel to display, filter and sort the new rarities included in L2 minting (uncommon and universal)

New Keybinds

Full support on Mac and Windows. No conflicts, every tool has its shortcut. Easy to visualize helper with all the shortcuts available. Reworked shortcut list in the settings menu.

Message Inspector

Review all message-sending actors in your experience, using the search bar to locate specific messages and easily identify problematic sources with the locator.

Resources Section in GM Home.

Grid and Snapping Improvements

Allow users to snap assets to the center of a square or to the closest intersection.

Behaviors & Components ⚙️

Spawn Point Behavior + Locator Editor

Set up different spawning areas for players to spawn at random or by Teams.

Define Teams within a same experience using the Team Message system and add equipment per team.

Use the Locator button at the top right corner to highlight and easily access a specific Spawn Point within the map.

Projectile Behavior

Throw assets at a defined speed and distance and send messages on hit.

Raycast Component

Detect assets and avatars within a lined range and send out a message when triggered. Useful for puzzles and precise gameplay, as well as shooting in singleplayer.

[MP] Void and Multi Behaviors

Spawn (Multi) and remove (Void) blocks in multiplayer. Combine for fun gameplay with blocks! Now with enhanced range to cover narrower areas.


Consume items from the inventory to send messages. Connect with Buff and Debuff systems to create interesting power up combinations like potions!

Included within the Collectable Component.

GIF Support for NFT Image Display

Add animated, moving visuals to your experience: GIF formats are now supported within the NFT Image Display.

Audio Volume Message

Dynamically toggle the volume of audio through messages.

Enhanced Collectible/Curio

Curio Behaviour was merged inside the Collectable Component. General performance improvements for collectable delay (now immediate).

Gems Removal

Gems affecting behaviours and components settings were removed from Game Maker. Settings have been maxed out for all.

Behaviours ported to Components for enhanced compatibility

Behaviours ported to Components to support multiple combinations:

  • Plant.

  • VFX.

  • Light.

Avatar Components

Add supported components to the Avatar within the Spawn Point Behaviour:

  • VFX.

  • Light.

  • Play Sound.

  • Trigger Volume.

  • Health.

Behavior enhancements

  • Avatar Checkpoint now supports asset orientation for spawning.

  • Avatar Teleport now supports Group Teleport.

  • Actor Property Switcher: now works with Interactor UI to make it visible or invisible.

  • Custom Mesh: merged inside the Video Streaming behaviour. All previous ones will be automatically converted without affecting retrocompatibility.

  • Timed Event: added compatibility with additional Broadcasting Types.

  • Crowd Event: added compatibility with additional Broadcasting Types.

  • [MP] Asker: allows for other messages other than Interact

Rules System 🎲

Export + Import Rules + Rulesets

The rule and ruleset is saved as a JSON text in the clipboard and either pasted into the rules board or on other programs as text. So it can be shared in different experiences and with different users

New Rules:

  • Popup UI Rule: A new rule to customize the display of the Popup window.

  • Banner UI Rule: A new Rule to customize the Banner on the HUD.

  • HUD Rule: A new Rule to customize the visualization of Variables on the HUD.

  • On Player Spawn Rule: Sends a message when a Player Spawns (The avatar spawns in and ready to move inside an experience) and trigger a default rule called as On Player Spawn

  • Key Input Rule: This feature allows the creator to create a rule that listens to a specific key input and sends out a message when the key is pushed down or released. For Keys the creator can us the 0-9 keys and for the Mouse the LMB,MMB and RMB can be used

  • Math Rule: A unified rule to create simple mathematical expressions.

  • Message Broadcast Rule: A simple rule to broadcast multiple messages at the same time.

This concludes the exciting changelog for Game Maker 0.10!

If you are hungry for more updates, make sure to read the Game Client changelogs as well, giving you more insight into how some of your gameplay elements will appear and influence players.

Without further ado, we will leave you to get accustomed with all the new tools and additions.

Have fun!

0.9.11 - February 16, 2024

PATCH UPDATE - Game Maker 0.9.11

A short patch for the Game Maker!

Bug Fixes 🐞

  • Blocks: when the damaging / healing blocks were solid, it didn’t have an impact on the avatar, it’s now working solid.

  • Pickable: crash was found and fixed when an avatar respawned while holding a pickable asset.

  • NFT Image Display: there was a problem coming from OpenSea when the avatar validated a link of an NFT.

  • Speaker: the speaker component wasn’t sending the correct information when triggered by an external message.

0.9.10 - January 23, 2024

PATCH UPDATE - Game Maker 0.9.10

A short patch for the Game Maker to start the year!

Bug Fixes 🐞

  • Terrain: Damaging blocks were being extra damaging to the Avatar in certain corner positions, so we calmed them down a bit.

  • VFX: The PrimitiveLightsCube VFX looked invisible from certain camera angles, now it’s visible from every angle.

  • Presets: Presets saved on an earlier version lost the parameters when opening it on the latest version.

  • Collectable: The Message On Collect was not being emptied after the experience was reset.

0.9.9 - December 20, 2023

PATCH UPDATE - Game Maker 0.9.9

A short patch for the Game Maker before the holidays!

Bug Fixes 🐞

  • NFT Images: Fixed an issue where the NFT images linked in the Game Maker were not being displayed.

  • Replace Asset: Eliminated a null reference exception that occurred after trying to replace an asset with a preset for the second time in a row.

  • Unowned Assets: Fixed an issue where assets exported to the Workspace from VoxEdit appeared as “not owned” in the Game Maker.

  • Advanced Platform: Fixed an issue where rotating an asset with the Advanced Platform behaviour would cause the preview of the destination points to appear incorrectly.

  • Quest Indicators: Fixed an issue where quest indicators were not being displayed.

  • Checkpoints: Fixed an issue where checkpoints would only work if placed on terrain blocks. You can now place them on assets, too!

  • Presets: Fixed Tower Defense presets which were showing an ❗ icon when using the Tower Defense template.

0.9.8 - December 7, 2023

NEW RELEASE - Game Maker 0.9.8

Who is ready to revolutionise gaming in The Sandbox with this newest version of the Game Maker?

Introducing the Rules System, new and improved behaviours, a brand new user-friendly hub, and more exciting updates, Game Maker 0.9.8 offers creators much more flexibility and freedom to bring their visions to life!

Let us introduce you to a quick summary of the most exciting features followed by a detailed explanation below!

Key Features ⭐

  • Rules System - allowing creators to define their own game mechanics, crafting unique and diverse gameplay experiences!

  • New Behaviours & Components - including teleport! Gone are the days of “unintentionally” killing our beloved players to transport them to a desired destination.

  • New Hub & UI - enjoy easy access to the Marketplace, see relevant news & events, and enjoy a smoother user experience!

Other Features & Improvements 💡

  • Behavior Preview - preview animations, sounds, and more from the Editor!

  • Asset Replacement - easily replace assets with other assets while maintaining any logic applied!

  • Asset Library - new functionalities and UI, allowing users to create 10 custom groups of quick access menus!

  • Grid System - here to help you make your block- and asset placing experience so… much… friendlier. 🤝

  • Debug Menu - display collider box and render bounds of assets in the scene.

  • Bug Fixes - it wouldn’t be a software release without bugs and fixes to get rid of them!

Are you excited yet?

Thought so. You look ready for some details on all the new shiny content to make your game development dreams come true!

Brace yourselves and let’s start with the star of the show - Rules!

Rules System 🎲

The Rules System lays the foundation for diverse game mechanics in The Sandbox. With this first iteration, creators are empowered with a high level logic layer, enabling seamless connection between elements through messages.

This allows creators to define their own game mechanics, crafting unique gameplay experiences through a combination of Messages, Actions, and Variables.

Presets & Parameters

We have added a set of Rule Presets with complete game mechanics that creators may use to simplify their creation process. Use these freely or make your own custom Rules!

The Rules System also comes with Parameters, which can be used to save, apply, and read numbers, text, and times.

Rules Summary

To give you a better overview of the rules, presets, and variables included in this iteration of the Rules System, we have compiled a short list.

  • Presets: Shop, Hunger, Poison, Combo, Time Trial, Point Race, Collect Points.

  • Rules: 3x Math Rules, 5x Time Rules, 3x Comparison Rules, 4x Change variable value Rules, 3x Game Screen Rules.

  • Variables: Player Variables, personal to each player, and Global Variables, shared value for all players in an experience.

  • Rules Debugger: Debugging tool - this will be replaced by the upcoming Debug Logger.

Lastly, several additions and enhancements are made to the Game Maker UI to seamlessly integrate this new system. Further details on this under Hub & User Interface.

Behaviours & Components ⚙️

More new stuff! Of course, we have also added new behaviours and components, the key ingredients in any game made with The Sandbox’s Game Maker.

Avatar Teleport

Which group did you belong to - the one that felt bad for killing players in order to teleport them to new places, or the one that secretly enjoyed it?

You don’t have to tell us but the Avatar Teleport allows you to safely teleport players from one place to another within your experience.

Avatar Checkpoint

Easily allows creators to set checkpoints where players will respawn after falling victim to Death’s cold embrace.

Power Up Component

Unlimited power! Well, not exactly, but more power. For a limited time.

The Power Up component allows you to temporarily alter player stats to improve conditions such as speed, defence, and attack. Percentage ranges for each stat can be customised.

NFT Sensor

Ever wanted to give your friends exclusive access to your personal lounge? You can now!

With the NFT Sensor, it is possible to scan a player’s inventory and wallet for a specific NFT to provide exclusive access to certain areas in your experience.

This will also allow you to divide players into teams for gameplay purposes, depending on the NFT they own.

Advanced Platform

The Advanced Platform offers you a much higher level of customization by allowing you to set multiple waypoints.

The return can also be set to either the original waypoint or it can circle through all waypoints added to the behaviour.

Switch Component

The Switch component functions as a two-state behaviour that can be either A or B or On or Off. It allows two distinctive states, which can be triggered by the same or different messages, and send messages depending on its state.

This will eliminate the need to use the Door behaviour as a logic asset to achieve this effect. Doors can now go back to being simply that… Doors.

Health - MP Port (Enhanced)

Players can now, unintentionally on the creator’s part of course, die by falling or by taking damage from blocks in Multiplayer games!

Multiplayer just became a little more dangerous. Uh oh.

Equip - Message on Equip (Enhanced)

It is now possible to send messages when an item has been equipped, allowing creators to, for example, detect whether players are equipped with the right gear to complete certain tasks.

Volume Trigger - SP Port (Enhanced)

This component is now available as a singleplayer component.

NFT Image Display - V2 (Enhanced)

Formerly only supporting NFTs on OpenSea, the NFT Image Display now supports any NFT in the Ethereum, Polygon, or Goerli networks.

Hub & User Interface 🖥️

Ready for a new sleek look to ease your mind as you get into your developer-zone? Many updates, additions, and enhancements have been implemented on everything from the sign-in screen & Hub to the user interface in the Editor.

Let’s dig in!

Game Maker Home

Say hello to the new hub where you can organise all your projects, play and share your experiences, directly access The Sandbox’s bustling ecosystem, and seamlessly discover the exciting and useful templates available to you.

  • Quick access to our Marketplace, VoxEdit, OpenSea, and more!

  • New Home banner keeping you up-to-date with interesting news, Game Jams, and other events.

  • New Workspaces for your personal projects, and a new and improved creation flow.

  • Improved Templates tab:

  • Improved template search with two levels of categorization.

  • New templates, including a Rules template to get you started on the new system.

  • Reworked some existing templates with exciting new visuals and mechanics.

  • Draft no more - The Draft Gallery is now simply called “Gallery.”

Additionally, the Recent Projects list has been updated to only display in the Home Screen when a user has recently opened an experience link to that account.

Sign In Screen

Some minor enhancements have been made to improve the sign in flow.

  • Added password visualisation with a dedicated icon.

  • Quick sign in by using ENTER if the “remember password” checkbox is selected.

  • Navigate the sign in menu with the TAB key for easy keyboard use.

Editor & Rules User Interface

Changes and modifications have been made to the UI in the Game Maker Editor to embrace all the new features implemented with version 0.9, and furthermore improving your overall user experience with the software.

  • Cascading Menus: Smart, compact menus to easily find all the tools you need.

  • Iconography: Unification of all the iconography in the toolbars.

  • Gameplay: New Gameplay section, allowing you to modify parameters.

  • Multiplayer Test: Allows you to efficiently test your experience in Multiplayer mode.

Specifically for the Rules System, the Game Maker interface has been revamped with a visual scripting style, enabling users to seamlessly create and customise Rules.

  • Grid Board: Contains Rules & Ruleset Cards and freely usable Canvas.

  • Hierarchy: Easier navigation and automatic jump to Rules.

Parameters and other relevant game information related to the Rules System will also be apparent in the Game Client’s UI, which features multiple additional sections dedicated to this purpose.

Small & Sweet New Features 💡

Small but not boring! With this release, you have been blessed with a handful of small features with big impact!

Many of these will save creators a lot of time, so get yourselves excited to spend that on creating even more games!

I mean taking a well-deserved break, of course.

Behaviour Preview

Tired of tabbing in and out of Play mode to see what the “Sitting 06” animation looks like? Or to remind yourself what the “coin” sfx sounds like?

We hear you. Tab no more, as you make your way to the Inspector Panel to preview behaviours and components from the comfort of the Editor mode.

The preview functionality is available for:

  • Play Sound Component

  • Rarity VFX Component

  • Asset Spawner Behaviour

  • Animated Decoration Behaviour

Asset Replacement Tool

Have you ever tried being halfway through the production of an experience only to realise that one particular asset is not quite right, so you need to replace it? But you have placed so many of them and they all have various logic elements that will have to be replaced.

Hopefully not, but if you have, this tool is here to put a smile on your face.

Using the Asset Replacement Tool, you may easily replace an asset, or all instances of that asset, with a new asset.

All logic applied to the original asset(s) will remain the same.

New Asset Library

Feast your eyes on the new Asset Library, introducing new functionalities and User Interface.

You can now create 10 custom groups of quick access menus to keep all of your most used assets organised - sort and arrange to your heart’s content!

A mix of up to 10 blocks and assets can be assigned, and the groups may also be named to make it easier to remember what is what.

The new Asset Library UI additionally displays more assets and blocks at the same time, and offers you a better filtering system to easily find the assets you are looking for.

Grid & Snapping

The Grid System introduces an easier and more friendly experience when placing assets and blocks.

The grid is made up of 32x32 voxel squares in the X, Y, Z planes. The grid changes colour automatically to accommodate different terrains and environments.

Creators can change the scale of the grid and its opacity to suit their needs and preferences.

To accommodate the new Grid, the Snapping System has been redesigned, allowing creators to:

  • Snap blocks and assets in the X, Y and Z planes.

  • Snap assets to the ground with a single click.

  • Set the rotation angle value for an asset.

  • Set the number of blocks you want in between each snap on X, Y and Z planes.

Avatar Equipment Configuration

You may now allow players to start your experience with their own equipment. Are they missing a key piece of equipment to play your game? Worry not - you can lend them the right tools for the job.

Volume Shader Display

You may choose between a box or a sphere shape for trigger volumes in the Inspector Panel.

The actual shape will be rendered in the scene, allowing creators to see how it will interact with the other actors in the space. This feature is available for the Speaker and other volume trigger components.

Collider & Render Bounds Debug

Explore our brand new Debug Menu! Avoid strange physics and inaccurate renderings of assets with this new tool. You will be able to display the collider box and render bounds of all the assets in the scene.

Bug Fixes 🐞

As part of the clean-up routine, we have called Pest Control to eliminate some troublesome and unwanted critters.

  • Hierarchy Panel: No more bugs disrupting your scrolling experience!

  • Custom Avatar Selection: The custom avatar disclaimer has been removed.

  • Objective System: A validation error modal has been fixed, causing us no more issues.

  • Unowned Assets Shaders: New, less intrusive, shader was added which will no longer show when exclusive assets are used in the experience.

Compatibility 🔧

We have been working tirelessly to ensure the best possible retrocompatibility for the Game Maker 0.9 release, however, as with all new 0.X releases, we cannot guarantee that everything will work exactly as it used to.

Additionally, here are some things to note:

  • If experiences created in versions prior to Game Maker 0.9 are opened and saved in Game Maker 0.9, they will only be available to edit with version 0.9 moving forward.

  • Experiences published in the Gallery with version 0.7 and 0.6 will not be playable with version 0.9.

Additionally, it is worth noting that the Damage:X and Heal:X messages must be changed to the new buff message, “Health”, and set to - (minus) or + (plus) numbers to reflect damage or health gain.

Known Issues 📋

We are really excited to present version 0.9 of the Game Maker to all of you, but our work does not stop here! Some minor issues that we are aware of include:

  • MP Health Component: Avatar death animation does not display.

  • Door: Door animations do not play as expected.

  • UI: Input lost when disabling UI and triggering a pop-up rule.

  • Grid & Snapping: Assets are offset by a small amount when duplicated.

  • Parent/Child: Rotation and position issue with map border.

  • Audio: Audio files take a few minutes to fully download.

  • VFX: Some VFX are still being transported from the previous version.

This concludes the exciting changelog for Game Maker 0.9.8!

If you are hungry for more updates, make sure to read the Game Client changelogs as well, giving you more insight into how some of your gameplay elements will appear and influence players.

Without further ado, we will leave you to get accustomed with all the new tools and additions.

Have fun!

0.8.10 - Oct 19, 2023

It looks like Dr. Bomkus has been tinkering in the back-end. What is he up to? 👀

This minor update brings you some cool new features and a few fixes to make your life just a little bit easier in both the Game Maker and the Game Client! 😉

Let’s get into it!

Game Client - Features & Additions ⭐

  • Ethos points and Event Tracker system to better keep track of your progress.

  • A wild Dr. Bomkus has appeared on the Game Client splash screen - check it out!

  • Dr. Bomkus tightened some screws and enhanced Single-Player performance.

Game Client - Fixes & Bugs 🐞

  • Fixed the quest timer - it is now visible at the end of a quest!

  • Begone crashes! Fixed crashing issues when many crowd events are active simultaneously.

  • Additionally fixed other issues causing crashes in the Game Client.

  • Askers were not triggering when various askers are chained with the "only once" setting.

Game Maker - Features & Additions ⭐

  • Increased performance for Single Player [SP] Behaviors.

Game Maker - Fixes & Bugs 🐞

  • Crash fix: Our “Prey” were so hungry they tried to eat targets that were already destroyed, causing the Game Maker to crash. We have added more food for them in the back-end to ensure that they are well-fed at all times.

0.8.9 - October 18, 2023

A small but sweet update is here for the Game Maker! Better performance and fewer crashes for all.

Features & Additions ⭐

  • Increased performance for Single Player [SP] Behaviors.

Fixes & Bugs 🐞

  • Crash fix: Our “Prey” were so hungry they tried to eat targets that were already destroyed, causing the Game Maker to crash. We have added more food for them in the back-end to ensure that they are well-fed at all times.

0.8.7 - August 15, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for minimap disappearing when switching between edit and play mode.


  • Added necessary songs for upcoming events.

0.8.6 - July 27, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when loading or creating an experience after loading a previous one.

  • Fixed avatar animation glitch.

  • Resized pagination elements of the asset library.

  • Fix application hanging after trying to load a shared experience.

  • Fix for UI information related to multiple assets physics.

  • Speaker Component not being triggered upon Speak Condition is now working.

  • Animated Decoration was sending messages at start when play count was Zero, that has been addressed.


  • Added necessary songs for upcoming events.

0.8.5 - July 4, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some or all assets appeared red.

  • Crowd Events fix where the events took more than a minute to be triggered.

  • Fix for Bird Behavior where the asset was disappearing.


  • Added necessary songs for upcoming events.

0.8.4 - July 3, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various UI bugs.

  • Fixed several bugs that caused system instability.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the workspace to not be updated after updating a draft experience.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented from locating assets on the hierarchy panel.

  • Fixed a crash when returning from a shared experience to the main menu.

  • Fixed a crash after restarting an experience.

  • Fixed an issue that was only allowing players to pick up dropped pickable components from it's original placement position.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the multiplayer collectibles to not work if they were childs of another asset.

  • Fixed an issue that was mixing components' parameters if they were being added to more than one asset.

  • Fixed an issue that was showing "Exit play mode" from draft gallery experiences.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing speaker component to send the messages twice.

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing presets made of 2 or more assets sharing the same pivot point to be shown in editor or play mode.

  • Fixed an issue that was showing the speaker component of a curio asset after being picked up.

  • Fixed an issue that was not allowing the messages of a pickable component after being picked/drop to be sent.

  • Fixed an issue that was stuck the GM on a 0% load.

Behavior and Componentes Performance Categorization

The behaviors and components have been categorized depending on their impact on performance in 4 different groups:

  • Null

  • Low

  • Medium

  • High

An informative tooltip has been added as well with recommendation on the usage of the behavior or component.

0.8.3 - May 23, 2023


Pickable Improvements

  • Slider to regulate transparency.

  • Broadcast messages immediately before pick up and after dropping the actor.

Instance Locker Improvements

  • Support for locking experience based on the amount of players that joined in.

  • Broadcast message after lock triggered.

Bug Fixing

Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance:

  • Significant improvements with rubber banding in Gallery Experiences.

  • Saved experiences loading issue was fixed.

  • Victory / Defeat screen - Restart button was missing.

  • Image Display Component - Thumbnails are now working.

  • Image Display Component - Image wasn’t changing when selecting 'None'.

  • Experience Duplication Cycle - Infinite loading when you try to duplicate an experience was fixed.

  • Camera clipping through the environment while approaching walls issue fixed.

  • Multiple Behaviour / Component fixes and stabilization.

0.8.2 - April 13, 2023


The following changes or additions have been introduced for this GM version:

  • Volume shapes for the Speaker component.

  • Pickable [SP] support.

  • Multiplayer Simulator: Allows testing within GM Editor how an experience should behave if published as social.

  • Instance Locker: New behavior to prevent new players from joining a social experience after it’s triggered. Only available for admin and moderators accounts.


Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance:

  • Fixed missing audio/music icons.

  • Fixed audio looping on disconnection.

  • Added new Splash Screen animation.

  • Fixed animation missing from equipment.

  • Fixed exceptions and nullrefs when editing behaviors.

  • Fixed race condition when loading streaming assets.

  • Fixed asker to listen to UI events.

  • Fixed several issues when transitioning between Play and Edit modes.

Known Issues

  • The volume slider has no effect on audio streaming in edit mode.

  • VFX attributes modification can't be seen in social hub experiences.

  • The 'Exit Play Mode' button is available on experiences from the Drafts Gallery.

  • Chat service provide error might trigger problems to load an experience.

  • Duplicating experiences might have an infinite loading and it may take some minutes for the experience to be duplicated.

0.8.1 - February 23, 2023


Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance. These fixes affect:

  • Fixed several crashes and exceptions

  • Added support for [SP] Play Sound Component.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the “Rarity” VFX from working.

  • Added back the “Heal: X” and “Damage: X” messages, this way you can heal and damage the character via message.

  • Combination of behavior errors was addressed.

  • Fixed an issue with the Lights component vanishing when deleting the textbox.

  • Fixed an issue when reaching the maximum capacity of lights supported.

  • Fixed an issue that all behaviors and components stopped working when you “restart experience” for the draft gallery.

  • Fixed saved presets issue that switched behaviors and components from [SP] to [MP].

  • Fixed the animation decorator not working correctly in Multiplayer experiences.

0.8.0 - January 23, 2023



  • Many behaviors now appear with the [MP/SP] prefix in the selection window. This means the behavior was (re) made under the new MP compatible solution.

  • Only [SP] and Legacy behaviors can interact with the rules/quest system.

  • When opening a 0.7 save file, the ported behaviors will be automatically upgraded to the new version while keeping the same configuration. They should work as closely as possible to the legacy version, and the idea is to minimize the impact of this upgrade as much as possible.

  • If you save an experience with new behaviors on a 0.8 build, you won’t be able to open it again in 0.7.

  • “Alternative” functionalities (different from the ones each behavior was originally designed for) shouldn’t be considered features and won’t be necessarily maintained in the new versions.

  • Support and bug fixing won’t be provided to the legacy versions of behaviors that have been ported. Only will be provided to the new versions, and to the legacy behaviors that aren’t ported on 0.8.


The SP/MP split only affects **Multiplayer** experiences. Single-player experiences shouldn’t get affected by the distinction, although is always encouraged to be thoughtful and consistent at the moment of selecting a network type for behaviors. In the behavior/component selection window there’s a new “Type” dropdown that allows for selection of:

  • [SP] behaviors can work “locally”: Affects each player individually in multiplayer experiences. It’s main purpose is to allow communication with the Game Objectives in MP. The state of the actor will be independent for each player.

  • [MP] behaviors work “globally”: Every message exchanged between actors happens for all the players. All players will see other actors in the same state.

  • The following are some considerations and highlights from the behaviors SP/MP split documentation. It’s encouraged that everyone reads the full extent of the documentation if possible.


  • Opening an experience from an v0.7.x version in GC or GM Gallery will keep the legacy BEH/COM. The experience should work the same as 0.7.x.

  • Opening an experience from an v0.7.x version in GM Editor will upgrade each BEH/COM version to their respective [SP] version. If the behavior doesn’t have a [SP] version they will be upgraded to the [MP] version.

  • IMPORTANT: This can result in mixed bag [SP]+[MP] situations for some actors, which isn’t allowed and needs to be manually fixed by the creators.

  • Opening an experience from an previous internal v0.8.x version in either GM or GC will upgrade each BEH/COM version to their respective [MP] version.

  • v0.9.x versions will not be able to open experiences older than v0.7.x


There are considerations to be aware of before start creating experiences with the new behaviors, specially in a MP environment. The list of behaviors below contains all the ones that were re-implemented. All of those new implementations are [MP] compatible, but there also some [SP] versions as well. Any legacy behavior outside that list still works with the legacy SP-only architecture.


This includes GM Editor + GC Single Player + Gallery Single Player

  • Both new and legacy behaviors should be able to co-exist.

  • There are no communication restrictions:

  • Messages could be sent from [SP] behaviors to [MP] behaviors and vice versa.

  • Messages could be sent from legacy behaviors to new behaviors and vice versa.

  • New and legacy behaviors can communicate with the game objectives.

  • The new “toggle” component should be able to pause legacy and new behaviors.


This includes GC Multi Player + Gallery Multi Player

  • AVOID using legacy behaviors in MP experiences.

  • [SP] can only communicate with [SP] behaviors and game objectives.

  • [MP] can only communicate with [MP] behaviors.

  • Every [SP] behavior works “locally”.

  • Every [MP] behavior works “globally”.


Logic actors are a new feature to allow the creation of gameplay without the need for asset placement in the world. The actor presented with a placeholder model will be completely invisible during play mode. To make more efficient experiences and boost performance as a result, is encouraged each time an asset is solely functional as a “gameplay gear” and doesn’t need any mesh presentation, use a logic actor. There are a number of options already loaded in the library to allow quick logic placement with some of the new common use cases.



  • When the avatar enters any liquid, it will start to swim.

  • This new behavior is disabled by default on already existing experiences.

  • This new behavior will be enabled by default on new experiences created with the 0.8 version.

  • changelog.2023.1.list.8.list.3.title

  • There is a toggle switch at Global Parameters/Controller/Behaviour at the end of the list of field.

  • The toggle switch allows the creator to switch swimming on or off.


  • Tapping the C key will make the avatar crouch.

  • Using this movement, the avatar can enter new places with a lower ceiling.


  • Holding the C key down will make the avatar crawl on the ground.

  • This movement, while slow, enables the avatar to go through smaller openings.


  • After sprinting for a second or more, tapping the C key will make the avatar drop to the ground and start sliding.

  • The avatar can enter the same openings as when crawling but the movement is faster and limited.

  • When finished sliding the avatar will start crawling or crouching if there is not enough space to stand.


  • Tapping the Z key will make the avatar sheathe its weapon and/or shield.

  • Tapping the Z key again will make the avatar unsheathe its equipment.

  • The equipment is still equipped. So starting an attack will unsheathe the equipment automatically.


This is the complete list of new or ported behaviors that have been implemented in the new MP-compatible solution. Any behavior that doesn’t appear on the list is out of the 0.8 scope and will still exist as the legacy SP-only solution.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] Can be triggered by any text message. The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [SP] behaviors and will affect each player individually. [MP] The UI is displayed only to the user that triggered the behavior. It means that it will only react to the “Interact” message. All the other messages will be ignored. The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [MP] behaviors will affect all players.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same functionalities & configuration as it did in 0.7 except for the “visible” toggle which was removed. The actor visibility setting should be used instead.

  • Retro-compatibility If the actor had the “visible” toggle disabled, then the visibility of the actor will automatically change to hidden in the editor. Other than that, no changes to the functionalities & configuration should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] The actor spawned will be seen by each player individually. The actor will spawn with [SP] behaviors. [MP] The actor spawned by the behavior will appear to all the players in the experience. The actor will spawn with [MP] behaviors.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [MP] The state of the bird should be consistent to all players in the experience: they’ll see the platform doing the same movement at the same time.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] The Each player will be able to trigger the button. The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [SP] behaviors and will affect each player individually. [MP] All players in the experience will be able to interact with the button. The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [MP] behaviors will affect all players.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience will be able to climb the actor, same as in 0.7


  • Functionality The behavior should include the same features & configs as it did in 0.7 Some new parameters related to the message broadcasting were added.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7 The broadcasting type should automatically be set to “All”

  • Multiplayer [SP] The collectible can be collected by each player and won’t affect how other players perceive it. [MP] The collectable can only be collected by the first player that reaches it. After its collected the actor disappears for everyone in the scene.


  • Functionality It’s a MP collectable that can be picked by every player.

  • Multiplayer [MP] The curio can be picked by all the players inside the experience. This means that if you pick it, all the other players will still see the collectable available to be picked up.


  • Functionality The behavior should include the same features & configs as it did in 0.7 On top of that, the fields for animation on “open” and “closed” where added, as well as some broadcasting configurations.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7 The broadcasting type should automatically be set to “All”

  • Multiplayer [MP] A door can be opened or closed by any player on the experience. The current status of the door is global and consistent for all the players.


  • Functionality All inputs that allowed collectible configuration through the drop were removed. This is due a lot of inconsistencies presented with this design. The remaining features & configs from 0.7 should remain the same.

  • Retro-compatibility To compensate for the removed inputs, upon loading an old drop, a new preset with the collectible component should be created and the configurations should be applied. The drop will be set to spawn that preset. The remaining features & configs from 0.7 should remain the same.

  • Multiplayer [SP] The drop could be triggered by messages or death in MP experience. When the asset spawns, it appears for each player individually. [MP] The drop could be triggered by messages or death in MP experience. When the asset spawns, it appears for every player on the experience. (NEED TO ESTABLISH HOW DEATH CAN BE ACHIEVED IN MP)


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience will be able to see the same image as it happened in 0.7


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] All players in the experience will be able to see the same indicators as it happened in 0.7 [MP] Currently non functional.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same functionalities & configuration as it did in 0.7 except for the “visible” toggle which was removed. The actor visibility setting should be used instead.

  • Retro-compatibility If the actor had the “visible” toggle disabled, then the visibility of the actor will automatically change to hidden in the editor. Other than that, no changes to the functionalities & configuration should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [SP] behaviors and will affect each player individually. [MP] The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [MP] behaviors will affect all players.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] The UI is displayed only to the user that triggered the behavior. It means that it will only react to the “Interact” message. All the other messages will be ignored. The For Player Only behaviors/components will enable to work-around this limitation to be able to receive messages coming from those behaviors/components. [MP] Currently non functional.


  • Functionality For the most part, the behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [MP] When an object is picked by a player, all other players will see the object being carried around. When the actor is picked it cannot be grabbed by another player until the first one releases it and the actor becomes opaque again. A pickable can only be picked up by a single player at a time. A player can only pickup an object at a time.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7. The only difference is that new behaviors don’t come with pre-set tags. So if you want the Plant to be gathered by a farmer for example, you’ll have to make sure that the tags are setup properly.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] When the asset gets destroyed, it will disappear only for the player locally. [MP] When the asset gets destroyed, it will disappear for all players in the experience.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [MP] The state of the platform should be consistent for all players in the experience: they’ll see the platform doing the same movement at the same time.


  • Functionality The behavior should include the same features & configs as it did in 0.7 Some new parameters related to the message broadcasting were added.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7 The broadcasting type should automatically be set to “All”

  • Multiplayer [MP] When a sound gets triggered, it will play for all the players that are able to hear it.


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same features & configs as it did in 0.7

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience will be able to see the same rarity vfx as it happened in 0.7


  • Functionality The behavior should maintain the same functionalities & configuration as it did in 0.7.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the functionalities & configuration should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [SP] The actor replacement will be seen by each player individually [MP] The actor replacement will be seen by all the players in the experience.


  • Functionality The behavior should include the same features & configs as it did in 0.7 Some new parameters related to the message broadcasting were added.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7 The broadcasting type should automatically be set to “All”

  • Multiplayer [SP] The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [SP] behaviors and will affect each player individually. If “look at” enabled it will look towards each player. [MP] The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [MP] behaviors will affect all players. If “look at” enabled it will look towards the closest player.


  • Functionality The behavior should include the same features & configs as it did in 0.7 In SP experiences the toggle should allow pause/un-pause new and legacy behaviors.

  • Retro-compatibility No changes to the features & configs should be seen upon upgrading from 0.7

  • Multiplayer [MP] All the players will see the behavior being paused/un-paused in a MP experience, as well as the actor’s animation. An important clarification is that it wont work with legacy behaviors on a MP experience, only on SP experiences.


  • Functionality You can set a number of different animations that can be triggered to play at different moments based on condition, and with several customizable configurations allowed.

  • Retro-compatibility For old experiences with Animated Decoration, the behavior will be automatically upgraded to the new version while keeping the same animation selected as well as the loop policy.

  • Multiplayer [SP] The animations triggered by the behavior should be seen by each player individually. Different animations could be playing for different players. [MP] The animations triggered by the behavior should be seen by all the players in a experience.


  • Functionality You can select a variety of audios hosted by The Sandbox on a selection window. Admin users will be able to upload audios through the [backoffice](https://www.notion.so/4bd6c1ca25c946949e7cfbbc761812b6) tool. If the audio is played/stopped/paused by any actor, it will affect all other actors that show the same audio.

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience will be able to hear the same audio playing in sync.


  • Functionality This new behaviors allows to start a event-based sequence that can be used to create gameplay mechanics based on progression

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience should be able to participate of the behavior (based on the selected criteria for participation). The rewards should be visible for all players as well.


  • Functionality This new behavior allows to create lights in the scene. Can be configured for both point lights or spot lights. Comes with a set of parameters to define how it should glow up the surroundings. Supports preview display on edit mode. Its recommended to be used on logic entities.

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience will be able to see the same lights with the same configuration behaving in the same way.


  • Functionality To be used solely in frame actors (like image display). You can select a variety of videos hosted by The Sandbox on a selection window. Admin users will be able to upload videos through the [backoffice](https://www.notion.so/4bd6c1ca25c946949e7cfbbc761812b6) tool. If the video is played/stopped/paused by any actor, it will affect all other actors that show the same video. Allows to configure the way the video should be displayed/fit into the frame. Supports preview display on edit mode.

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience will be able to see the same video playing in sync.


  • Functionality Will force the avatar to slide over the asset.

  • Multiplayer [MP] All players in the experience will be able to slide over the actor.


  • Functionality Allows setting messages to be send based on the elapsed time since the behavior (or the experience) started running.

  • Multiplayer [SP] The time tracking is local to each player. The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [SP] behaviors and will affect each player individually. [MP] The time tracking is global for the whole experience. The messages sent in a MP experience can only be listened by other [MP] behaviors will affect all players.


  • Functionality This new behavior allows placing one of the available VFXs for selection in the actor’s position. Can be turned on/off by message.

  • Multiplayer [SP] Each player could see different VFXs. [MP] All players in the experience will be able to see the same VFX.


  • Functionality This new behavior allows configuration of the weather for the scene (skybox, colors, clouds, etc). Can be enabled through messages. Supports preview display on edit mode. Its recommendable to use on logic entities.

  • Multiplayer [MP] Applies the weather configuration to all players in the experience.


  • Functionality Allows to apply full screen post process effects. Its recommendable to use on logic entities.

  • Multiplayer [MP] Applies the post processing configuration to all players in the experience.


  • Functionality Allows changing properties like visibility and collision on actors. Usage is similar to a message broadcaster

  • Multiplayer [MP] The changes applied by the behavior will be synchronized to all players.


Upon selecting a message to send from a behavior, you’ll see there’s a new set of “special” messages that could be used for gameplay mechanics. This messages appear in yellow and allow the customization of parameters to produce a desired outcome on the “targeted” actors during gameplay.

  • AudioPlay Allows to start/resume playing the audio with a fade-in duration.

  • AudioPause Allows to pause playing the audio with a fade-out duration.

  • AudioStop Allows to stop playing the audio with a fade-out duration.

  • LightColor Allows to change the color of the targeted lights in the scene with a fade duration.

  • WeatherFade Allows to set a fading time for the transition between the currently set weather into the targeted one.

  • PostProcessFade Works the same as WeatherFade. Allows to set a fading time for the transition between the currently set postprocess into the targeted one. ONLY for custom postprocesses, not functional for presets.


  • Menu Framework Implemented a scalable interface for players to navigate through all the screens available in the game (Map | Inventory | NFT Scan, among others). This framework is used as the base for all the new UI/UX created/improved.

  • Main Menu New UI and UX for the main menu. Users can go back and forth from the Menu to the Main Menu screen. Some key bindings were added for accessing the Main Menu from the HUD and the Menu.

  • Inventory A new inventory window has been designed and implemented: Slot-based approach as in classic RPGs, Inventory and Character sheet displayed in the same screen, Character sheet displays the Avatar stats based on its current equipped items, with the possibility to change the equipment while in-game.

  • User Information A new UI section has been added to display the current user information: Name, Sand, Experience

  • Mini Map Added a map to the in-game HUD. It displays information about the current experience, and the player position/orientation. It also shows the other experiences that are close in the metaverse.

  • Victory Screen Improved our completion screens flow, along with a full-fledged UI/UX redesign.


  • Extended the inventory system to support some multiplayer features. The players are allowed to equip cosmetic items in MP experiences. The items equipped will be displayed to all the other players and work experience wise (they are not carried from one experience to another)


  • VFX issues - Auto start toggle is not working properly and some related issues

  • Weather Fade - Sky Middle and Sky Bottom colors visible through blocks and asset

  • Post Processing - Effects have an impact on Speaker dialog boxes

  • User cannot exit Quit to Desktop prompt and is forced to quit

  • Lunge Attack - Stun duration is approximately 2 seconds regardless of charge duration

  • Platforms refactor - Avatar auto jumps when Legacy and New platform goes up or down

  • Basic Platform - Platforms don't collide properly with the avatar

  • Hierarchy - Unparent + undo is not working.

  • Avatar has 950 HP in the life bar

  • Water SFX is sometimes triggered randomly when using crouch, crawl or slide

  • The player must only be able to jump in the same direction of the slide.

  • The avatar gets stuck in the water after colliding with a solid block

  • Climbing - The avatar does not attach correctly to Climbable assets

  • New or added assets are not refreshed in the library in real time

  • New Basic Platform - The platform will go through the avatar, and it will mount it or go underground instead of being moved aside

  • Post FX - Motion blur is applied on character movement

  • Basic Platform - Platform stutters when being stopped with Toggle Behavior

  • Replace Asset - Settings have no restrictions over behaviors, components or physics

  • New replace asset behaviour asset error - When the asset it replaces has "new pickable component" with "collision + gravity" the asset flies out

  • New asset spawner behaviour asset error - When the asset to spawn is set to bird behavior and "collision + gravity" the asset trembles

0.7.9 - November 8, 2022


  • Splash Screen UI: A new Splash screen has been added.

  • Optimized Size: Files were deducted from the build to make the installer lighter.

0.7.8 - October 14, 2022


  • Micro Freezes Patch: Fixed disconnection bug which caused micro freezes.

0.7.7 - October 6, 2022


  • Jumping height was fix to accommodate certain experiences that were failing.

  • Overall crash fixes in experiences.

  • Chat connection/freeze fixes.

  • Infinite loading in experiences fix.

0.7.6 - September 26, 2022


  • Micro Freezes Fix.

  • Fixed chat bug which caused micro fixed when chat was concurred with many users.

0.7.5 - September 22, 2022


Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance. These fixes affect:

  • MAC loading freeze/crash fix.

  • New icons in launcher.

  • Added HUD section to the controls list: Show/Hide UI and Quests.

  • Fix for jump height of avatar.

  • Saving experiences on Game Maker fix.

  • Missing Game Events.

0.7.4 - September 15, 2022


  • Micro Freezes Fix.

  • Fixed chat bug which caused micro fixed when chat was concurred with many users.

0.7.3 - September 14, 2022

Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance. This fixes affects:


  • It is no longer possible to move or respawn in between chat dialogs.

  • If an item is dropped, it will subtract the amount from the quest tracker.

  • No event is tracked when a user is in multiple sessions.


  • In case the service fails to connect, it will be shown in the UI to the user.


  • Connection issues fixed

  • Experiences stuck at 90%


  • Transparent meshes no longer cast shadows



  • Crashes and Soft blocks.

0.7.2 - September 6, 2022


Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance. This fixes affects:

  • Anticheat Measures: Timer is no longer affected by local device time and avoid fly glitch triggered by macros.

  • General: Crashes and Soft blocks.

0.7.1 - August 29, 2022


Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance. This fixes affects:

  • Play Mode UI: Exclamation marks were shown always in yellow.

  • Game Maker usability: Ability to place assets was lost after saving and reopening.

  • General: Crashes and Soft blocks.

0.7.0 - June 24, 2022


  • MacOS build was released with feature parity with Windows version. Both builds are in the same state and should not present any differences.


  • Multiple bug fixes have been made to stabilize the product and get some improvements in performance.


  • Loading Screen: Loading screen is showing more and better information. The loading screen background image has been changed to a default one, and the thumbnail corresponding to the experience is bigger.

  • Improvement on the Level Widge: It has a flash feedback so the user can notice when there is a change in the widget information.

  • Quest Log Widget: Improvements have been made to the quest log widget to show information about the quest in a more clear way.


  • A new FTUE was implemented for the season.


  • Loading time and asset bundle download has been improved for better user experience.


  • Avatar gating MVP feature was implemented into the GC. The user will receive a message with the appropriate collection/avatar in case it doesn’t owe one.


  • Avatar Navigation: New avatar navigation possibilities have been added to the gameplay.

  • Walk: The user is now able to walk, by using the walk key. This will let the user appreciate the NFT better if needed.

  • Sit on the Ground: A sit animation was added so users can sit and interact among each other.

  • Auto Climb Update Improvements: Auto-Jump feature was updated, and now lets the user auto-jump assets of 1 block, ½ block and ¼ block height.

  • Emotes: New Dance Animations were added to the random sections of the emotes wheel.

0.6.24 - April 5, 2022


  • MacOS build was released with feature parity with Windows version. Both builds are in the same state and should not present any differences.


  • Performance Improvements: Several fixes were made that improved the general performance of the Game Maker.

  • UI Improvements: Visual issues were spotted and fixed on the UI: Scroll bars on the main menu were fixed and Toggles fixed.

  • Lighting Enhancements: General lighting enhancements were achieved in playmode, as well as more saturated colours reducing the fog.

0.6.14 - November 4, 2021


  • Upgraded Components: Sound Component: Added more music tracks to the sound component.


  • Fixed an issue that caused some assets didn’t have the ID on the saved file.

0.6.13 - October 28, 2021


  • Save: now unique IDs are generated for each quest within the experience.

  • Fixed various issues that caused random application crashes. changelog.2021.7.list.1.list.0.subtitle


  • Fixed various issues that caused random application crashes.

  • Fixed various issues that caused the application to become unresponsive.

  • Fixed various issues regarding gameplay.

  • Fixed various issues regarding Editor Usability.


The following are the known issues for this version:

  • Toggle Behaviour is presenting several issues.

0.6.12 - October 18, 2021


  • UI Rework, Library Improvements.

  • Fixed various issues that caused random application crashes.


  • Fixed various issues that caused random application crashes.

  • Fixed various issues that caused the application to become unresponsive.

  • Fixed various issues regarding gameplay.

  • Fixed various issues regarding Editor Usability.


The following are the known issues for this version:

  • Farmer Behaviour is presenting issues when attacking the selected target asset.

  • Toggle Component is presenting several issues.

0.6.11 - September 24, 2021


  • Fixed library issues that caused application crashes.

  • Fixed serialization issues that caused application crashes.


  • Licenses button was added into GM settings.

0.6.10 - September 17, 2021


  • Fixed various issues that caused random application crashes.

  • Fixed various issues that caused the application to become unresponsive

  • Fixed various issues regarding gameplay

  • Fixed various issues regarding Editor Usability

0.6.9 - September 1, 2021


  • NFT Image Self Illumination: An option was added on the NFT Image Component that lets users select if the environment Illumination affects the NFT image or if it is Self Illuminated.

  • NFT Interact Component: Gives the creator the opportunity to let the players inspect the NFTs that have this behaviour added.

  • Gameplay Improvements: As part of our constant improvements to the Gameplay and Combat system we’ve added the following features:


  • Fixed various issues that caused random application crashes.

  • Fixed various issues that caused the application to become unresponsive

  • Fixed various issues regarding gameplay

  • Fixed various issues regarding Editor Usability


The following are the known issues for this version:

  • Farmer Behaviour is presenting issues when collecting the selected target asset. In addition to this, the farmer's behaviour does not flee when attacked by a selected hostile tag.

0.6.5 - May 17, 2021


  • Initial Equipment: A set of options was added on the Global Parameters Menu that lets users select the starting weapon and equipment the Avatar will commence an experience with.

  • Pre-Packaged Assets: From now on, we’ll be pre-loading assets into the Game Maker upon installation. This will help substantially with experience loading speeds, both on the Editor and the Gallery.

  • Version Check: Now, everytime a new version of the Game Maker is available, our servers will check against your current installed version and request you to update to the newest version.

  • Transportation Changes: We’re preparing various of our systems for some upcoming new releases. In order to enable new and exciting features regarding how players can move from an experience to another, we’ve made some architecture level changes into our current transportation and waygate system.

  • Server Templates: Previously, our Game Maker Templates were handled locally, now they’ll be held inside our servers so that we can update them in real time with new and exciting content as well as adding new templates without having to release a new Game Maker version.


  • Gameplay Improvements: As part of our constant improvements to the Gameplay and Combat system we’ve added the following features:


  • Fixed various issues that caused random application crashes.

  • Fixed various issues that caused the application to become unresponsive

  • Fixed various issues regarding gameplay

  • Fixed various issues regarding Editor Usability


The following are the known issues for this version:

  • We’ve temporarily disabled the PRESET SYSTEM from the Game Maker due to various issues and crashes happening around its use. All experiences that currently use this feature will still be functional, but the presets won’t be modifiable any further. We’ll be working to get it back up as soon as possible.

0.6.0 - April 6, 2021


We’ve added the NFT Image component to the Game Maker. Now you’ll be able to add NFT images from Opensea:

  • Put them on Billboards and Picture frames to create an NFT environment or art Gallery

  • Showcase your owned NFT inside the Sandbox to the players and creators

  • Use the NFT Inventory feature to be able to see the NFT in Opensea


We’ve added settings to this version of the Game Maker in order to provide a better quality of life for users. In this iteration of the feature you’ll be able to:

  • Change Resolution and Screen Mode

  • Turn Sound on/off

  • Control the Play Camera sensitivity

  • View the play mode Control Scheme (We now support AZERTY too)


Now, everytime a new version of the Game Maker is available, our servers will check against your current installed version and request you to update to the newest version.



  • We’ve added a new HUD element into our Play Mode in the form of a Mini Map, now you’ll be able to orientate yourself and be provided with specific experience data. This is a simplified version of our Mini Map, stay tuned to see the finalized version soon.


As part of our constant improvements to the Gameplay and Combat system we’ve added the following features:

  • Heavy Attack Damage Zone: The heavy attack will now have a reticle that shows the area of effect of your attack, as you charge it more, it will deal more damage and the area will be bigger.

  • Stun System: Heavy Attacks charged up to its limit will now stun all enemies in range when released.

  • Parry System: You will be able to parry enemy attacks to reduce the damage you’ve taken. If your timing is right you’ll be able to Perfect Parry them, stunning the enemy in consequence.

0.5.0 - February 10, 2021


We’ve added the NFT Image component to the Game Maker. Now you’ll be able to add NFT images from Opensea:

  • Faster loading and response times of the Game Maker Tools

  • Improved performance on different types of PC’s

  • Improved performance on bigger experiences with a large amount of assets


We’ve reworked the Library internal structure from scratch, in order to make it faster and smoother when loading and utilizing it. You will notice a big improvement from the previous version.


We’ve added a new Neutral Lighting preset, in case you don’t want to use any of our current lighting options. We’ve also improved on the already existing presets, eliminating refraction errors on light surfaces as well as correcting color emanation.


We’ve fixed some of the behaviors to make better use of our technical stack. Most of our known issues regarding the behavior system have been successfully addressed.


We’ve added three new experience templates for you to use and learn more about the Game Maker:

  • Logic - Behaviours: An experience that lets you test out the different behaviors we have and different ways to use them

  • Logic - Victory and Defeat: understand the basics of Victory and Defeat conditions in your game

  • Logic - Counter Quest: learn how to make a Death Counter and Collection Counter quest

We’ve also added another 8 new experience templates without any logic for you to use as starting points:

  • Landscape - Desert 1x1 / Forgotten Wasteland

  • Landscape - Desert 2x2 / Barren Night

  • Landscape - Forest 1x1 / Woodlands

  • Landscape - Forest 2x2 / Dusk Forest

  • Landscape - Tropical Volcano 1x1 / Adventure Island

  • Landscape - Ice Cave 1x1 / Ice Grotto

  • Landscape - Lake Shores 1x1 / Lake Shores

  • Landscape - The Block 1x1 / The Block



We’ve added Chat Bubbles on top of the Avatar head. Whenever you or someone else types out something in the chat you’ll see a chat bubble on top of their heads if you are close enough to them. This is our first iteration of the feature, we’re planning on revamping the UI for the next release


From the Inventory, you will be able to access a new Tab called NFT, here you can see a full list of NFT’s and ASSETS used inside an experience and identify what are the trending assets all creators are using.


We’re constantly improving on our Avatar, Enemy and Combat Systems. This time we’ve added Visual queues to attacks that show damage numbers when hitting an enemy as well as blocking. We’ve also added and improved upon existing VFX to make combat queues much more clear.


We’ve made some UI/UX improvements across the board. We’ve added pop-ups, improved windows current flows and fixed issues with some screens that were not working optimally.

0.4.0 - December 23, 2020
  • Avatar

    • You can now customize the avatar’s behavior, components, camera and model by going into the new GLOBAL PARAMETERS button. You also get access to this menu by clicking on the AVATAR SETTINGS button in the inspector while selecting the Avatar’s portal.

    • Avatar: In this menu, you can select which avatar’s type is spawned and add tags to it.

    • Camera: In this menu, you can easily change the camera views and customize each value to make the camera you want.

    • Controller: In this menu, you can change the avatar’s behavior values and add / remove components.

    • Lighting: In this menu, you can easily change between different lighting atmospheres.

  • Global Game Maker Improvements

    • The terraform tool is now easier to use. More options have also been added to it.

    • The way you place the assets in the experience has also been improved to allow you to easily add and manage your assets position and rotation.

  • Library

  • Selection Window

  • New Message System

  • Rules Window

  • Quest System V2

    • The new Quest System allows you to fully customize the Quests

    • New options have been added to allow more customization and quests that have been done before should be easier to do now.

    • Timer Objective has been improved

  • Indicator Component

    • LifeBar color parameter has been removed to provide a more consistent User Experience within all Metaverse Experiences.

    • Objective Cursor parameter has been removed to provide a more consistent User Experience within all Metaverse Experiences.

    • The Quest Cursors are now split in 3 parameters: Giver, Objective, Receiver

  • Presets

  • Tags

  • Publish

  • Behaviors and Components

  • New Balancing & Grades

    • The balancing has been reworked to provide a better difficulty. Each object has now its difficulty mainly driven by its Catalyst and also its Gems.

    • Each Object has a Grade displayed next to its Lifebar. This Grade represents the Catalyst of the Object and the amount of Gems inside it. Thanks to this, Players can now identify the power of an Object easily.

  • New Melee Enemy

    • The Enemy fighter behavior has been automatically replaced by the Melee Enemy behavior.

    • This behavior follows the same intentions as the previous one but has been improved to make the fights much more enjoyable.

    • A targeting system has been added to make your attacks move your avatar towards the enemies, removing a previous frustrating experience with this.

  • Quest Icons

    • Quest can be started: Gold “!”

    • Quest’s Objective: Gold Target Icon

    • Quest can be finished: Gold “?”

  • Inventory & Equipment

  • Known Issues

Last updated


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