Detailed guidelines, use cases and tips for creating furniture.
Type of Furniture
Here we will cover just some types of common furniture you would most likely use to decorate your experiences.
Chairs/ Stools / Benches /Sofas
Wardrobes / Drawers
Shelving units
This is one of the most common pieces of furniture and a simple one to create.
You can either create a chair just in the modeler or you can create over in the animator.
Creating in modeler
Pros - Easiest to create
Cons - Can have unwanted collisions
Creating in the animator
Can break asset down to have a tighter collision box
Can rig together multiple models to create a more dynamic asset
A little more difficult.
Can't add animation or will cause unwanted collisions
Size Guidelines
Avatars and medium humans are roughly 2 metres tall in The Sandbox Game. which is 64 voxels high.
For an avatar to sit on a chair the size dimensions we suggest are :
A seat height of A seat width of
Video tutorials furniture